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What is a Portfolio?

A portfolio is a systematic, integrated and meaningful collection of a learner’s day-to-day classroom work or artifacts that provide a visual of their own learning, progress, and achievement. 
It provides evidence of achievement or mastery over a period of time

Importance of a Learner’s Portfolio

It enables learners to show quality of work in collaboration with others;
Instructional goals are set at the beginning and shared with the learner;
Provides a clear profile of learners in terms of abilities and interests;
It allows demonstration of a wide range of competencies;
It demonstrates leaner’s progress over time; 
It gives learners an opportunity to reflect on their work, and;
It enables learners to demonstrate their creativity.

Component of a Good Portfolio

A cover page;
Table of content
Entries in form of drafts or completed work, dates and;
Reflections on the items presented. 
Note: A portfolio can be physical (manual) or electronic (e-portfolio

Stages of Developing a Portfolio

Collection of work samples
Selection of work samples

Effective Management of a Portfolio

Review entries in the portfolio with learners regularly;
Focus more on quality than quantity;
Involve the learners in organizing the portfolio, and;
Organize for the storage of the learners’ portfolios.

What isAssessment Rubrics 

  • Rubric consist of a set of score points and related descriptors that articulate the criteria and performance levels in a learning arranged in a measure of quality. 
  • The criterion describes what a completed piece of work looks like.
  • Grading should be solely based on learners’ achievement in meeting the learning outcomes of the subject areas.

Components of a Rubric

Types of Rubrics

  1. Analytic Rubric
    Breaks down content or tasks being assessed into parts.
    Assesses each part separately
  2. Holistic Rubric
    Assesses overall performance on a task as a single entity. 
    Scores the overall competencies of the learner

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