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How to Write A Synthesis

A synthesis is a type of academic writing that involves combining multiple sources and perspectives to create a new understanding of a particular topic. Here are the steps to follow when writing a synthesis:

Choose a topic

Select a topic that is relevant and interesting to you, and one that has several sources available for research.

Conduct research

Collect and read multiple sources such as academic articles, books, and other reliable materials related to your topic. As you read, take notes and organize the information according to your understanding of the main ideas, arguments, and themes.

Identify common themes and patterns

Look for common themes, ideas, and arguments that are present in multiple sources. Try to identify areas of agreement and disagreement between the sources.

Create an outline

Based on your research, create an outline that identifies the main themes and arguments you want to cover in your synthesis. Ensure that you have sufficient evidence to support your arguments.

Write the introduction

In the introduction, provide an overview of the topic, the sources you will be synthesizing, and the main argument you will be making.

Write the body paragraphs

In the body of the synthesis, present your arguments and supporting evidence. Be sure to cite your sources appropriately and integrate the information smoothly. You may choose to organize your body paragraphs thematically or by source.

Address counterarguments

Anticipate counterarguments to your position and address them in your synthesis. This will help to strengthen your argument and demonstrate that you have considered multiple perspectives.

Write the conclusion: In the conclusion, summarize the main points of your synthesis and restate your thesis. Discuss the implications of your findings and suggest areas for future research.

Edit and revise

Edit and revise your synthesis to ensure that it is clear, concise, and well-supported by evidence. Check for grammar and spelling errors and ensure that your citations are accurate.

By following these steps, you can create a well-written and effective synthesis that demonstrates your ability to critically analyze multiple sources and create a new understanding of a topic.

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