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Grade 1 Term 3 Opener Revision Assessment Questions

Grade 2 Term 3 Opener Revision Assessment Questions



  1. ___________ is our special gift from God.    [ Jesus,  food,   car  ]
  • The ___________ visited the baby Jesus.      [wise men,   pastor  ]
  • The wise men were led to Bethlehem by a ________  [ moon, star ]
  • The wise men who visited Jesus came from the ______[East, Egypt]
  • The wise men brought with them ___________ [ suits,  gifts,   food  ]
  • Name the three gifts that the wise men took to Jesus;
  • ________________________
  • ________________________
  • ________________________
Text Box: Chips   myrrh   money   Gold
Frankincense   shoes


  • God wants us to do ___________ [ fight   work   laziness ]
  • Jesus’ father was a ___________ [  farmer   carpenter    teacher ]
  • Identify some work that children do at;
At homeAt school

Grade 3 Term 3 Opener Revision Assessment Questions

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This is paragraph 2 for posts without the target word.

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