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Grade 7 Teachers Training To Start on Monday

TSC To Start A 6 Days Training For Grade 7 Teachers

The Teacher service Commission will start training grade 7 teachers on Monday 13th March to 19th March 2023.

Trainers of Trainers and Master trainers will be offering training and Professional support. Headteachers will be trained for 3days while the teachers will be trained by the trainers of trainers for 6 days Face to face according to TSC MEMO. Every School is supposed to identify 3 teachers for training and the headteacher.

The training venues will be Teachers Training Colleges and other selected venues in the county.

Teachers will be clustered in the following subjects as follows:

  1. English, Literature, foreign and indigenous Languages
  2. Kiswahili and Kenya Sign Languages
  3. Pure Sciences- integrated Sciences- Biology, chemistry, Physics and Health Education
  4. Mathematics
  5. Humanities- social Studies (Citizenship, Geography, History), Life skills, Religious Studies(IRE,CRE.HINDU and PPI.
  6. Technical Subjects-Business Studies, sports , Home science, Art and Design and Physical Education

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