Specific Learning Outcomes
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:-
a) use prepositions to talk about personal safety, security and simple injuries,
- recognise the location given by prepositions in oral construction of sentences,
- appreciate the use of prepositions for indicating location.
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners describe various positions of realia as displayed in the classroom.
- Learners engage in hide and find game in small groups to locate various objects
- Learners play a digital game.
- Learners construct sentences based on the objects used in the hide and find game.
- Learners discuss where objects are found in their homes.
- Learners repeat sentence structures containing prepositions from a story, poem or conversation they have listened to.
Key Inquiry Question(s)
- What can you
see in the classroom?
- Where are the objects mentioned?
Core Competences to be developed: Critical thinking and problem solving developed through the hide and find game to discuss positions of objects, Learning to learn by using prepositions to describe location of objects, people and places.
Link to PCIs: ESD–Safety and security
Life skills (effective communication), Citizenship – social cohesion through hide and find game.
Links to other subjects : All subjects that mention positions of objects, places and people
Suggested non-formal activity to support learning: Language games mentioning where objects in their homes are found.
Suggested Learning Resources: Charts, pictures/ photographs of people and objects in different positions, computer devices with audio-visual recordings of people and objects in different positions.
Link to Values: Resepect, Love, Responsibility, Unity
Suggested Community Service Learning activities: Sharing with community members about safety in their environment.
Suggested assessment: Oral questions, portfolio, observation
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Exceeding Expectations
Learner is able to recognise and use a variety simple prepositions to describe the location of objects people and places accurately.
Meeting Expectations
Learner is able to recognise and use simple prepositions to describe the location of objects accurately
Approaching Expectations
Learner is sometimes able to recognise and use some simple prepositions to describe the location of some objects.
Below Expectations
Learner is able to recognise and but rarely uses prepositions to describe the location of objects.