Specific Learning Outcomes
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
– a) use present simple tense forms to talk about the time of the day
( morning, mid-day, evening ),
- apply simple present tense to sequence routine or daily activities in oral communication,
- appreciate the use of language to talk about routine activities .
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners respond to questions based on daily routines.
- Learners tell each other their daily routines in pairs/small groups.
- Learners should report what they do when they go home.
- Respond to simple questions demonstrating the use of using simple present tense and routine activities.
- Repeat sentence structures containing simple present tense from a story, poem or conversation they have listened to.
Key Inquiry Question(s)
- What do you do everyday before you come to school?
- What do you do at break time?
- What do you do when you are happy?
Core Competences to be developed: Communication and collaboration through pair and group practice of sentences about routine activities. Learning to learn by using the present simple tense to express routine activities.
Link to PCIs: Life skills -Self esteem as they develop language for expressing daily routines.
Links to other subjects : Environmental activities
Suggested non-formal activity to support learning: Songs about daily activities outside the classroom.
Suggested Learning Resources: Charts, pictures/ photographs on routine activities, computer devices that have audio-visual recordings of dialogues with sentence structures on present simple tense.
Link to Values: Respect, Responsibility
Suggested Community Service Learning activities: Observe and discuss daily routines with members of their family/ community.
Suggested assessment: Oral questions, portfolio, observation
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Exceeding Expectations
Learner uses the present simple tense forms confidently to sequence many routine activities, and talks about different times of the day.
Meeting Expectations
Learner uses the present simple tense forms confidently to sequence routine activities, and talks about different times of the day.
Approaching Expectations
Learner struggles to use the present simple tense forms to sequence some routine activities, and talks about different times of the day.
Below Expectations
The learner rarely uses the present simple tense forms to sequence routine activities. Needs a lot of support to talk about different times of the day.