Specific Learning Outcomes for Sub-strand 3.1 Plants
By the end of sub strand the learner should be able to;
- identify the types of plants found in the home and school environment
- talk about safe and harmful plants found in the home environment.
- talk about safe and harmful plants found in the school environment,
- appreciate the importance plants found in the home and school environment
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners are guided to take a walk in the school compound to name plants within their school environment
- Learners are guided to name plants found in the home environment
- Learners are guided to identify the safe plants in the home and school environment
- Learners are guided to identify harmful plants in the home and school environment
- In groups learners group pictures of safe and harmful plants
- Learners paste picture cut outs of plants found at home and school environment
- Learners sing songs on plants found at home and school environment
• Learners recite poems, and rhymes about plants found at home and school environment
Key Inquiry Question(s)
- Which plants are found at home and school environment?
- Which plants are safe?
- Which plants are harmful?
- What is the importance of plants found in the home and school environment?
Core-Competences to be developed:
- Critical thinking and problem solving-coming up with what to do when in contact with dangerous plants
- Learning to learn-when identifying the plants
- Communication and collaboration-in discussion
- Imagination and creativity-discussion in groups
- Self- efficacy
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues(PCI’s):
• Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): environmental education, environmental awareness- as they take a walk in the school
• Disaster Risk Reduction: personal safety- learners observe safety as they identify safe and harmful plants
• Life skills: effective communication- learners to respond to instructions as they match pictures of safe and harmful plant
Link to other activity areas:
• Creative activities
• Mathematical Activities
• Music And Movement
• Language Activities
Suggested non formal activity:
• Group activities- grouping safe and harmful plants
• Joining Environmental clubs
Suggested Resources: plants, charts
Link to values:
• Cooperation
• Responsibility
• Citizenship
Suggested community service learning activities:
• Parental engagement- helping the learners to identify safe and harmful plants at home
• Taking care of plants at home and school
Suggested assessments:
• Observation
• Oral questions
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds Expectation
Able to identify the types of plants found at home and school environment, talk about safe and harmful plants in home and school environment, appreciate the importance of plants besides identifying other uses of the plants
Meets Expectation
Able to identify the plants found at home and school environment, talk about safe and harmful plants in home and school environment, appreciate the importance of plants.
Approaches Expectation
Able to identify the plants found at home and school environment, talk about safe and harmful plants in home but cannot appreciate the importance of plants.
Below Expectation
Able to identify one or two plants found at home and school environment and cannot talk about the harmful and safe plants.