Specific Learning Outcomes
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;
- talk about the sources of light in the immediate environment
- talk about uses of light in the environment
- differentiate day and night
- appreciate the importance of light in their daily activities
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners are guided to talk about sources of light in their environment
- Learners talk about objects that produce light
- Learners are guided to talk about uses of light in their environment
- learners are guided to play with shadows
- learners perform simple experiments using sources of light like putting lights off and on and emphasize conservation of energy
- learners are guided to appreciate light as cause of day and night
- Learners sing songs and recite poems related to light
Key Inquiry Question(s)
- What are the sources of light?
- How can you
differentiate day and night?
- What produces light in the day and night?
- What are the uses of light?
- How do we conserve light energy
Core-Competence to be developed:
- Communication and collaboration-discussion on sources of light
- Critical thinking and problem solving- conservation of light
- Learning to learn-through experiments like playing with shadows
Link to Pertinent and contemporary Issues (PCI’s):
- Life skills: decision making on appropriate use of light
- Energy conservation
Link to other activity areas:
- Music and Movement Activities
- Language Activities
- Psychomotor and Creative Activities
Suggested non formal activity to support learning:
- Clubs and societies
- Nature walk
Suggested Resources:
• Sources of light (sun, torch, lamps, lanterns etc.)
Link to values:
- Respect
- Cooperation
Suggested community service learning activities:
• Parental engagement in emphasizing conservation of light
Suggested community service learning activities:
• Parental engagement in emphasizing conservation of light
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds Expectation
Able to talk about the sources of light in the immediate environment, talk about uses of light in the environment, differentiate day and night, appreciate the importance of light in their daily activities besides assisting others to perform simple experiments using different sources of light
Meets Expectation
Able to talk about the sources of light in the immediate environment, talk about uses of light in the environment, differentiate day and night, appreciate the importance of light in their daily activities.
Approaches Expectation
Able to talk about the sources of light in the immediate environment, talk about uses of light in the environment, differentiate day and night.
Below Expectation
Able to talk about the sources of light in the immediate environment, can differentiate day and night but cannot talk about uses of light in the environment.