Specific learning outcomes
By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:
- Demonstrate awareness of own voice in and out of class.
- Speak clearly when talking to others in and out of class.
- Speak loudly enough for the audience to hear in school and at home
Experience pleasure in varying own voice when communicating with others
Suggested learning experiences
Learners could record pieces of their own voices and be asked to listen and identify own voice, be guided to project and vary their voices appropriately.
- Learners could be encouraged to listen to recorded pieces of other children’s voices and comment on how they vary their voice when singing songs, telling stories and reciting poems or rhymes.
- Learners could be encouraged to project their voice when reporting an offence e.g. when reporting an offence to the teacher.
- In pairs, learners could practise speech activities whereby the distance between the speaker and the listener is varied. The speaker is encouraged to vary his or her own voice accordingly to meet the needs of the listener.
- Learners could listen to a radio or other recorded audio clips. The volume could be deliberately raised or lowered and the learners encouraged to say how this affects their hearing.
- Individually and in groups, learners could be involved in presenting songs, poems and rhymes in class and during parade.
Key inquiry questions
- How should I speak to someone who is near?
- What should I do to my voice when the person I am speaking to moves away from me?
- What should I do to my voice for him/her to hear if he/she continues to move further away?
Core competence developed: Digital literacy, communication and collaboration, learning to learn.
Link to PCI: Citizenship: Social integration
Life skills: Effective communication, self-awareness
Link to Values: Unity, Peace
Link to other activity areas: Psychomotor and Creative Activities, Environmental and Social Activities.
Suggested community service learning
Take the Learners to a function (such as a wedding or national celebration). Involve them in presenting songs, poems or rhymes to the gathering.
Suggested Non-formal activity to support learning through application Learners make a variety of presentations such as songs, poems or rhymes or narratives at the school assembly.
Suggested assessment: oral questions, observation, portfolio
Teaching/Learning Resources: Recorded audio clips of children’s voices, radio, costumes, masks
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds expectation
Consistently projects and varies own voice efficiently.
Meets expectation
Speaks with appropriate projection and variation.
Approaching expectation
Controls own voice and is able to project and vary own voice most of the time.
Below expectation
Attempts to control own voice but does not know how to project or vary own voice.