Specific learning outcomes
By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:
- Name objects, people, animals and colours in the immediate environment.
- Take pleasure in naming objects, people, animals and colours in the immediate environment.
Suggested learning experiences
- Learners could be involved in naming objects, animals and people in class and within the school compound..
- Learners could recite poems and rhymes about objects, people and colours
- Learners could name colours with reference to objects in the environment.
- Learners could be engaged in identifying colours in the immediate environment.
- Learners could be taken for a nature walk and encouraged to identify colours.
- Learners could be engaged in vocabulary games and encouraged to use new words by integrating them their child play and daily experiences, and naturally weaving them in and out of conversations with learners.
- Learners could be involved in viewing video clips or animation to help them connect words with meaning.
Key inquiry questions
- Which people are we likely to find at home, in school, at the market or in a hospital?
- What objects are we likely to find at home, in school, at the market or in a hospital
Core competence developed: Digital literacy, learning to learn, communication and collaboration
Link to PCI: Citizenship: Social integration
Life skills: Effective communication, Self-awareness
Link to Values: Unity
Link to other activity areas: Psychomotor and Creative Activities, Environmental and Social
Suggested community service learning
Learners could bring assorted items from home to be donated to a needy family. Encourage learners to name these items.
Suggested Non-formal activity to support learning through application
Take learners for a walk around the school compound as they collect rubbish and put it in the dustbins. Guide them to name objects, people, animals and colours they come across.
Suggested assessment: Oral questions, observation, portfolio
Teaching/Learning Resource: Objects, language games, pictures, charts, learning corners
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds expectation
Consistently names objects, people and colours with a variety of vocabulary.
Meets expectation
Uses appropriate vocabulary to name objects, people and colours most of the time
Approaching expectation
Names some objects, people and colours appropriately.
Below expectation
Names some objects, people and colours with guidance.