PP1 Curriculum Design: sub Strand 1.4 Patterns
Specific Learning Outcomes
By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:
- observe objects in the environment and identify existing patterns
- identify similarities in patterns in the environment
- identify different patterns in the environment
- identify the repeated shapes which form a pattern
- arrange similar objects to make a pattern
- arrange 2 different objects in an alternating manner to make patterns
- appreciate the different types of objects in the environment
- enjoy making different patterns with objects found in the environment.
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners collect and talk about different shapes in the environment.
- Learners to demonstrate arranging objects to make a pattern.
- A few learners demonstrate arranging objects to make a pattern
- In small groups/pairs, individually, learners arrange objects to make a pattern
- Learners arrange objects in an alternating manner to make a pattern
- Learners fill in the missing objects in a series to make a pattern
- Learners talk about patterns and shapes on their clothes, foot prints, buildings, flower gardens etc
- Learners discuss patterns made of same shape with two different colours
- In small groups or pairs make patterns with objects of same type with two different colours.
- Learners to draw different shapes using ICT devices to make patterns
- Learners to make patterns using ICT devices.
Key Inquiry Questions
- Which of these objects look alike?
- Which objects comes next in the series?
- How can you arrange these objects to form a pattern?
- How else can you make a pattern?
- Which part of the pattern repeats itself?
Core competence: Collaboration and communication (through group work and discussions); Critical thinking and problem solving as they make different patterns; Digital literacy as they make patterns using ICT.
Link to PCIs:
- Citizenship: collaboration as they collect and use materials• Life skills: critical thinking and problem solving as they pattern
- Values: sharing and turn taking.
Link to other activity areas: Psychomotor and Creative activities during construction.
Suggested community service learning: – non-formal activity to support learning through application: Learners toplant flowers in the school following different patterns.
Suggested Learning Resources: Flash cards, blocks, bottle tops, bottles, sticks, beads,
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Above expectation
Identify similarities and differences between various
objects and talk about them
Make patterns with objects of the same type with more than two different colours
Arrange objects in an alternating manner to make patterns with more than 5 objects
Meets expectation
Identify objects of the same shape and talk about them
Make patterns with objects of the same type with two different colours
Arrange objects in an alternating manner to make patterns with five objects
Approaches expectation
Identify patterns made of objects of the same shape
Make patterns with objects of the same type with two different colours with assistance
Arrange objects in an alternating manner to make patterns with teacher’s guidance
Below Expectation
Identify patterns made of objects of the same shape with teacher’s guidance
Can attempt to make a pattern of same objects
Can attempt to arrange objects with teacher’s guidance