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PP1 Curriculum Design: sub strand 3.3 Capacity (How Much a Container Can Hold)

Specific Learning Outcomes

By the end of the substrand, the learner  should be  able to:

  1. fill and empty different containers with water, seeds or sand
  2. compare sizes of containers using water, sand  or seeds

Suggested Learning Experiences

  • Learners to demonstrate filling and emptying small and large containers using sand, water or seeds
  • Learners to demonstrate  comparing big and small containers by telling how many small ones fill the big ones and vice versa
  • Few learners demonstrates comparing big and small containers by telling how many small ones can fill a big one and vice versa
  • In groups or pairs, individually, learners tell how much a container can hold compared to another one of a different size.
  • Learners to watch a video on filling and emptying containers.
  • Learners to watch a video on comparing containers   of different sizes.

Key Inquiry Questions

  1. How many of the small containers can fill the big container?
  2. From the big container, how many small ones can be filled?
  3. Which container holds more or less?

Core competencies:

  • Critical thinking and problem solving as they compare how much a container can hold.
  • Communication and collaboration as they work in groups.
  • Learning to learn.

Link to PCIs:

  • Citizenship: communication and collaboration as they collect materials.
  • Life skills: critical thinking and problem solving as they fill and empty. 
  • Values: sharing, turn taking.

Link to other activity areas:

  • Environmental activities as they play filling and emptying.
  • Psychomotor and creative as they balance pouring content from one container to the other.

Suggested community services: – non-formal activity to support learning through application:   

                •           Learners to collect containers from the environment for use when comparing sizes

Suggested learning resources: Containers of various sizes, water sand, seeds

Suggested Assessment Rubrics


Above expectation

 Fill and empty small and large containers with water, sand or seeds and count how many small containers fill the big one

Compare big and small containers by telling how many small ones can fill a big one and vise versa

Approaches expectation

Fill and empty small and large containers with water, sand or seeds without counting

Compare big and small containers by telling how many small ones can fill a big one 

Below expectation

Fill and empty small containers with water, sand or seeds

Cannot compare big and small containers

PP1 Curriculum Design: sub strand 3.3 Capacity (How Much a Container Can Hold)

This is paragraph 2 for posts without the target word.

By Depa

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