2.0 Domestic Animals
- Domestic animals are the animals that are kept at home. They include cow, donkey, chicken, duck, horse, rabbit, cat, dog etc.
- Domestic animals are important to human life because:
- They provide, meat for food, milk, o security, eggs, o manual Labour and o May be sold to generate income.
- Some animals like cows, donkey, horses and rabbits produce wastes to make manure.
Animal welfare
- Domestic animals are of great use to us. They should be treated well and showed love.
- To care for domestic animals, o They should be kept clean and o Given medication for good production.
- Food and water should be provide pastes and
- Parasites should be controlled and treated to ensure good health among domestic animals.
- Water should be given to them and o They should be protected from extreme temperatures.
Uses of animals
- Its kept for beauty
- Provide safety against rats at home
- Provides meat
- Kept for beauty at home
- Provides security at home
- Used for transport
- Provides companionship
- Sold to give us money
- Provides pork and bacon
- Is a source of food
Used for transport Provides milk.
- Used for sports
- Used for riding
- Used during war
- Provides labour when ploughing land
- Used for transporting goods and people
- Provides fur
- Gives us honey
- Pollinate our fruit crops
- All domestic animals are important to us. Some domestic animals provide beauty at home, others provide security while others provide us various food products such as meat, milk and honey.
- Some domestic animals also provide us with transport.
- Various communities in Kenya use some of the domestic animals during cultural ceremonies e.g. the Somali community use camels as payment for dowry during marriage ceremonies.
- We should therefore love and take care of all the domestic animals. We should also encourage other people to treat them well.