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Living better with wild animals

 Wild animals are very useful to use. Some are dangerous like the leopard and the lion. 

Importance of wild animals

  1. Wildlife provides nutrients to humans
  2. People depend on wildlife for their livelihoods
  3. Wildlife has cultural significance
  4. Wildlife is important for the economy
  5. Protecting wildlife creates more jobs
  6. Wild animals generate revenue through local and international tourism. Some animals destroy our crops and some kill our domestic animals. 
  7. We can scare and keep away wild animals without killing them. 
  8. We can keep away animals by the use sounds, using smells and use of smelly and bitter tasting plants.

. Use of Sounds

Some animals are often scared by sounds made by people talking or shouting. Animals like monkeys and squirrels can be scared away by the use of sounds made by radio. A radio is switched on and put in a plantation to scare wild animals’ away. ii. Using Smells

Some wild animals are repellant to bad smells. Smells can be produced by burning items such as rugs, plastics or tires. This smell is used to keep away animals such as rodents.

iii. Use of Smelly and bitter tasting plants

Some animals avoid smelly and bitter tasting plants. This method keeps away root eaters (rodents) such as the mole from destroying farm plants, and digging holes in the farm.

iv. Care and Safety from Wild Animals

Some wild animals can be dangerous. They can attack us or even kill us, they include the wild dog, wild cat and monkeys. Such animals can also transmit dangerous diseases such as rabies. We should always keep a safe distances from wild animals.

We should not touch or provoke wild animals.

Growing Climbing fruit Plants

  • Fruits are source of food rich in vitamins. 
  • They are important for our bodies for growth vitamins are nutrients needed by the body to repair warm out tissues. 
  • Climbing fruits plants have a stem called a vain. Vains are weak and therefore are needed to be supported using wood or wires. 
  • Such fruits plants can also be made to climb along the fence. They include the passion fruits, grapes, blackberries, kiwi fruits, raspberry fruits and gooseberry fruits.

1 How to Plant

  • Climbing fruit plants can be planted from seeds or from stem cutting. Fruits seeds can be found from the market or can be prepared at home for planting.
  • To prepare fruits seeds, get a fruit from a tree or from the market, extract seeds from it and wash. 
  • Dry the seeds on the sunlight and select the best seeds for planting.

Prepare a seedbed and plant your seeds. 

  • Always water your seeds regularly until the seeds germinate. After germinating and the seedlings are strong, you can transfer them to their place of planting. 
  • This process of transferring seedlings from the seedbed to their place of planting is called transplanting.

Passion fruit seeds

  • To prepare stem cutting select a sweet able fruit plant to get the stems form. Using a knife, cut the stem into small pieces of about one feet. 
  • Insert the cuttings into a planting site such as a container or a socket. Take care of the planted cutting by watering them, shading and removing weeds. When the cuttings start to develop leaves and roots, you can transplant them to their new places.

stem cuttings

  • Young climbing fruits plants should be taken care of. We should make a shade of them to prevent them from direct sunlight.
  • We should also construct a support structure using strong poles and wires for the fruit plant to support itself on. 
  • We also need to guide the plant along wires the process of guiding a climbing fruit plant along a wire is called Training. 

Ways of training a plant

  • A grower trains plants to:
    • Improve flower or plant appearance and management, 
    • improve flower and fruit size and quality and  ü to protect plants from damage. 
  • Training plants is done by:
    • supporting,  o thinning,  o stopping,  o disbudding and 
    • pruning.
  • Water the young fruit plant regularly and apply manure at its roots. Artificial fertilizer can also be used at minimal quantities to ensure safe food, protect the plant from any weeds by weeding them regularly by uprooting weeds from the stem.

1.5 Managing Climbing fruit plants

  • This is taking care of the plant to ensure that it grows until the harvesting stage. The process of managing fruits plant include, watering, weeding, manure application, training and harvesting. 
  • This can be well achieved by developing a project schedule.
  • The planted climbing fruit plant should be watered regularly on the established site.
  • Weeding should be done to reduce competition from weeds for nutrients, water and light.
  • It is important to make a shade over the young plants. The shade protects them from direct heat of the sun. It is important to make a fence around them.
  • A fence protects them from being damaged by animals.
  • Well-rotted manure should be applied from time to time to ensure that the fruit plants grow healthy.
  • Climbing fruit plants also need to be supported so that they grow well and receive adequate light.

i. Harvesting

  • Fruits can be harvested at their right time of harvest. Once the fruits are mature, they should be harvested. The right time for fruit harvesting can be determined by observing the colour of the fruit. 
  • Some fruits like the yellow passion fruit turn their colour to yellow and become a bit softer, smoother and sweet smelling. Some fruits such as the passion fruits fall of from the tree when they are ready for harvesting. ii. Harvesting Process
  • Climbing fruit plant can easily be damaged during the harvesting process. We should take care not to pull the fruits from climbing fruit plant. 
  • Pulling the fruits can damage both the fruit and the plant. Tender fruits such as berries should be placed in small container immediately after harvesting to prevent damage.

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