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Integration of technology in teaching and learning in the context of the 21st century, requires that teachers are digital literates who are capable of accessing, retrieving and designing lessons that integrate ICT in teaching and learning. • It is expected that teachers have the knowledge, skills and attitudes in the use of basic computer applications and online platforms.
The successful integration of ICT into the learning environment will depend on the ability of teachers to structure learning in new ways, to merge technology appropriately with pedagogy, develop socially active classrooms, and encourage co-operative interaction and collaborative learning and group work. For many, this requires a different set of skills from those they currently possess.

While, ICT integration aims to improve and increase the quality, accessibility and cost-efficiency of the delivery of instruction to learners, it also refers to benefits from networking the learning communities to face the challenges of current globalization.
The use of technology in education contributes a lot in the pedagogical aspects in which the application of ICT will lead to effective learning with the help and supports from ICT elements and components.

ICT Implementation


• Any effective implementation of technology in the classroom requires acknowledgement of the dynamic, transactional relationship among content, pedagogy, and the incoming technology – all within the unique contexts of different schools, classrooms, and cultures.

• A teacher can adapt the TPACK framework to different circumstances.

What is ICT Integration in Learning?

ICT Integration in Learning is the process where teachers use technology as tool to help them and their Learners achieve curricula and instructional goals. 

Many educators fall into the trap of thinking that technology drives the curriculum, whereas in fact, it should be the other way round
 The curriculum should drive technology (Shelly et al, 2012).The original Bloom’s

Taxonomy  (Bloom, 1956) was revised to inform teacher educators on how to use technology and digital tools to enrich learners’ experiences and outcome (Sneed, 2016). 

Blooms Digital Taxonomy
 The original Bloom’s Taxonomy  (Bloom, 1956) was revised to inform teacher educators on how to use technology and digital tools to enrich learners’ experiences and outcome (Sneed, 2016). 
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Mishra and Koehler (2006) posited that TPACK model focus on how technology is used in teaching. Technological knowledge is considered an important ingredient for enriching pedagogical content knowledge.


Competency-based Curriculum is fertile ground for ICT Integration

  • ICT Integration improves the quality of teaching and learning
  • Computer-based and mobile-based technologies are available of integration in learning
  • It is important for teachers to acquire ICT Competencies
  • ICT Integration happens with-in and with-out classroom practice
  • ICT Integration beings from basic (use of productivity tools)  to  advance levels (creating learning resources, using LMS etc.)
  • Teacher educators need to acquire knowledge and skills to operate systems and computer hardware, use standard sets of software tools

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