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INDUCTION TO Teacher Professional Development-TPD

-It is important to note that any program introduced in a government system has some background  
-Research has proved that pre-service training alone does not equip teachers with all the necessary knowledge, skills , values and attitudes for effective teaching.  
-Teachers improve themselves with time through experience, benchmarking others or voluntarily going back to class to enhance their knowledge. However, this alone is not adequate since not all do this voluntarily.  
-Hence the need of continuous professional development of teachers to bridge the gap.  
-Teacher Professional development refers to either formal or informal activities that TSC registered teachers undertake in order to continuously improve their pedagogical skills, management skills and learner outcomes.  
-TPD Comprises the full range of educational experiences designed to enrich teacher’s professional knowledge, understanding and capabilities throughout the teacher’s career

Purpose of Teacher Professional Development

The purpose of TPD programmes is to continuously equip and improve teachers’ skills, competencies and knowledge for enhanced learning outcomes in Kenyan schools

Overall objective

The overall objective of the TPD programme is to professionalize teaching by continuously developing and improving teachers’ skills, competencies and knowledge in line with the 21st Century core competencies aimed at enhancing the provision of quality education.

Specific objectives

  1. Enhance a culture of life-long learning of teachers, trainers and instructional leaders
  2. Promoting institution-based professional learning practices communities of practice
  3. Equipping teachers and instructional leaders with 21st century skills
  4.   Enhance the capacity for teachers, trainers and instructional leaders competencies in creating supportive, safe and healthy learning environments.
  5. Promote the adoption of Competence Based Curriculum by teachers, trainers and instructional leaders.

Specific outcomes of TPD

These include: –

  1. Inculcating a culture of life-long learning of teachers and instructional leaders.
  2.  Fostering personal and professional growth of teachers and instructional leaders.
  3. Building capacity of teachers and instructional leaders as action researchers in their practice.
  4. Developing capacity of teachers and instructional leaders as reflective practitioners.
  5. Enabling teachers to enhance knowledge, skills and attitudes in their subjects and pedagogy. 
  6.  Enhancing teacher’s knowledge, skills and attitudes in their roles as instructional leaders.
  7. Building capacity of teachers’ and instructional leaders’ competencies in 21st century skills.
  8.  Enhancing teachers and instructional leaders’ competencies in creating supportive, healthy and safe learning environment.

Structure of TPD

 Learning approaches

  • KWL approach- Know, Want to Learn
  • Inquiry based learning
  • Self-directed learning
  • Discovery
  • Reflective Journaling
  • Case studies
  • Self-assessment
  • Peer-assessment
  • Question and answer



  • Overview of Teacher Professional Development
  • The Kenya Professional teaching standards


  • Competence based curriculum
  • Rationale for CBC
  • The paradigm shifts
  • The basic education curriculum framework
  • Core competence
  • How learners learn
  • Learner centered approaches/ strategies
  • Inclusive learning approaches


  • Types of assessment: A, for &of learning
  • Formative assessment tool/strategies
  • Assessment rubrics
  • Developing portfolio


  • Comprehensive school healthy and safety
  • Health and health education
  • Health literacy
  • Social determinants of health and school emergencies and safety
  • Basic first aid, accident and fire safety


  • Concept of instructional leadership for teachers
  • The role of teachers and instructional leaders
  • Concept of financial literacy; terminologies and applications


The following assessments will be used:

Reflective journals

This is a tool which assesses the understanding processes, writing abilities, connection to concepts and personal knowledge. Reflective journal contains the contents of reflection by a teacher


A portfolio is a purposeful collection of learner’s work; shows effort, progress and mastery of a specified learning outcomes or competencies.  It provides evidence of achievement or mastery over a period of time.


Participants will be expected to prepare a final synthesis on their experiences during a particular module/ level


– The TPD assessment Framework applies  to Teachers and Heads  of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary institutions.
– To successfully complete a chapter,- complete three(3) assignments which account for 40 per cent of  annual TPD score. 
– The three (3) main assignments, are: 
    1. Reflective Learning Journal
    2. Final Synthesis Seminar /Consolidation paper  
    3. Professional Teaching Portfolio
class attendance (synchronous and asynchronous) will contribute 5% in each of the three asignments’ scores. 
40 per cent, is obtained through TPAD process. 
20 per cent, is obtained through other categories of providers working with TSC

Assignment on Reflective Learning journal

1. Commence  on the 1St Day – keep a personal learning journal primarily about  own learning experiences during the programme
 2. Journal should be a critical (meaning reflecting, critical thinking not criticizing) consideration of your learning experience in relation to class discussions, presentations, and personal readings. 
3. Each journal entry should include aspects of what you did, what was observed, learned, questioned, felt, etc. 
4 You could use the following points /questions as guides: 
   a) What I learned as teacher or instructional leader…………………..
   b) What I still wonder about…………………..
   c) What I need to learn………………………..

Examples to Reflect Effectively
According to Schön(1983), there are two types of reflection, one during and one after an activity or event.

  1. Reflection In-Action

  When you are thinking about or reflecting while you are in an activity, you are using reflection in-action. Some reflection include: 

  •  Experiencing 
  •  Thinking on your feet 
  •  Thinking about what to do next 
  •  Acting straight away  

2. Reflection On-Action

You can do reflect-on-action once the activity has finished based on what you can remember about it. Step back into the experience, explore your memory and retrieve what you can recall.

Reflect and understand what has happened and draw lessons from the experience.

  •  Thinking about something that has happened
  •  Thinking what you would do differently next time
  •  Taking your time

How to Write Reflectively

Before the Experience

  • Think about the things that could have happened.
  • What are the things that you feel might be a challenge?
  • The things that you can do to prepare for these experiences.

During the Experience

Observe what is happening at the moment, as you make a particular decision.

  • Is it working out as expected?
  • Are you dealing with the challenges well?
  • Is there anything you should do, say or think to make the experience successful?

After the Experience

 Describe your thoughts immediately after, and/or later when you have more emotional distance from the event.

 Is there anything you would do differently before or during a similar event?

What are the takeaways from this experience/lesson?

Use the three “W”s to write reflectively. The three “W”s are What, So What and What next.

What (Description)So what? (Interpretation)What’s next? (Outcome)
What happened?Take a few minutes to reflect and interpret the event.Conclude what you can learn from the event and how you can apply it next time.
Who was involved?What is most important / interesting / relevant / useful aspect of the event, idea or situation?What have I learned?
 How can it be explained?How can it be applied in the future?
 How is it similar to/different from others? 


TPD Criterion descriptors

  •  TPD points (4-5) – Describe not only what they know but show commitment in applying the knowledge –
  •  Aspect of the application of the knowledge acquired in an innovative manner
  •  TPD points (3) – (Brought in the aspect of the knowledge they have acquired, have an element of application but do not have the innovative aspect
  •  TPD points (1-2)– Brought in the aspect of the knowledge they have acquired but no element of application

Assessment on Professional Teaching Portfolio

The portfolio is intended to contribute to and reflect a participant’s professional growth and learning.

  •   Explore how professional portfolios can enable us to make conscious decisions, and to articulate, who we are as educators, what we do, and why we do it.
  •   Professional portfolio, as a work in progress, will be shared in class and then submitted for evaluation at the end of the chapter.

Basis of evaluation:

  •   Teaching philosophy and beliefs about learners is central to the portfolio
  •   Artifacts are well organized in required sections and labels
  •   Selection of artifacts shows professional growth over the year
  •   Reflection shows evidence of thoughtfulness, self-assessment and learning in relation to knowledge/skills, and/or attitudes acquired

Assignment : Final Synthesis Seminar/Consolidation paper

  • Makes in-class presentation and consolidation paper, in which key learnings are pulled together from
  • 1. class participation, activities, personal reflective journaling, readings, action research, feedback from others in the chapter which is related to the following question
  • 2.  Based on what I have learned about who I am as an educator and person, what is my practice and the contexts of classroom learning, what kind of educator am I in the process of being/becoming?

The Criteria used to assess presentations:

  •   Overall organization/ presentation of the final synthesis.
  •   Ability to explain, with examples and activities that enhance understanding of what you learned from the chapter content (knowledge, skills and attitudes).
  •   Ability to make connections between chapter content and application to a real classroom / school context – How you intend to apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired.

Scoring of TPD Program

  • Undertake and successfully complete One chapter of a module comprising 5 Chapters within 5 years, for final score to be computed.
  • TPD scoring will be from three sources;
  • 1. The Service Providers will submit the analyzed performance of teachers they trained through TSC online platform
  • 2. The commission will analyze the TPAD rating and award TPD marks.       
  • 3.  Other service providers working with TSC


  • TSC Employees- TPAD and TPD are expected to be presented in your work

    (for you to pass)

  • TPD must score 35/40 and above.
  • Private Institutions’ employees- TPD is expected to score atleast 35/40 for you to pass.
  • For both, other TSC recognised courses will account for 20%

(This category is self/school initiated and provides an added advantage for those who go out their way).

NB- You cannot pass with TPAD without TPD

For you to be graded on TPAD you must have TPD.

Certification and Licensing

Upon successful completion of the introductory module, a participant shall be issued with a transcript and a certificate 

This will be required for your progress to the next level (Teachers’ Module; Level One- Chapter one or Instructional Leaders Module; Level One- Chapter one ) 

This will later be required for the renewal of the Teaching License. 

NB. In line with the legal framework for TPD, and upon commencement of the TPD Programme, all TSC registered teachers will be required to acquire a Teaching License which will be renewable every 5 years upon completion of a level.


Purpose of TPD programmes is to continuously equip and improve teachers’ skills, competencies and knowledge for enhanced learning outcomes in Kenyan schools.

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