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Letter sound knowledge: Phonic

Reading at letter sound level

Expose learners to two to three sound -to- letter matches per week.

Variations to this suggestion  should be made by increasing the number of sounds  in instances where  learners can comfortably make  more lettersound matches  to take care of differentiated curriculum and  learning. For those struggling with some letter-sound  matches,  opportunities for more practice should be created.            A, a; M, m; T, t;E, e;  S, s; L, l; I, i; P, p; J, j; ck; a_e; i_e; o_e;  u_e; K, k;_ ge; _ ce; sh; ch; Y, y;V, v;e, ee  (me, been); wh; ee, ea ;    ay, ai; oo; Z, z;         -ge (age); -ce  (rice);  ss, ll; ng; 

 l  blends (calm);  s blends (mask, task)   r blends (drip, drop)

Specific Learning Outcomes 

By the end of the sub strand,  the learner should be able to:-

  1. match familiar letter shapes to letter sounds for  reading preparedness in


  • match unfamiliar letters to shapes to letter sounds for reading preparedness in English including digraphs,
  • match common consonant

blends/clusters to their sounds for reading preparedness,

  • appreciate the difference between letters and sounds in the first language and English, for reading preparedness.  

Suggested Learning Experiences 

•     Learners recognise letters of the alphabet as the teacher models.

  • Learners recognise and name letters and their sounds by reading from flash cards in print or digital format.
  • Learners engage in sound matching activities using pocket charts, digital flash cards, charts and flash cards on a word tree.
  • Learners sing rhyming songs and recite  rhymes related to phonics.
  • Learners play a fishing game by identifying specific sounds.

 Key Inquiry Question(s)

1) Can you match letters of the alphabet and their sounds?

 Core Competences to be developed:  Communication and collaboration is enhanced through group and pair activities

Link to PCIs: Life skills since learner develops self-esteem and confidence as their reading competence improves,  effective communcation  when learners name and recognise letters.

Links to other subjects: Relevant to all learning areas  because they can read words in other subjects

Suggested non-formal activity to support learning: Learners use puns and riddles at their leisure time.

Suggested Learning Resources: Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs and models of  letters, audio-visual recordings of minimal pairs.

Link to Values: Respect, Responsibility, Love

Suggested Community Service Learning activities: Learners are given take home charts to support their peer and parents.

Suggested assessment: Oral questions, portfolio, observation

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Exceeding   expectation

Learner consistently names letters and  their sounds and joins sounds to read short words and a few long ones with letter-sound correspondence.

Meeting  expectation 

Learner names letters and their sounds and joins sounds to read short words with letter sound correspondence.

Approaching expectation

Learner names letters and their sounds and joins sounds to read short words with letter sound correspondence with some difficulty.

Below expectation Learner names letters and  their sounds and joins sounds to read short words with letter sound correspondence with a lot of difficulty.

This is paragraph 2 for posts without the target word.

By Depa

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