Specific Learning Outcomes
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:-
- use personal pronouns in relation to gender, number and objects appropriately in dialogues,
- pick out personal pronouns in oral conversations about members of the family,
- appreciate the use of personal pronouns in effective communication.
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners are guided to take part in a demonstration in relation to gender, number and objects.
- Learners construct sentences using personal pronouns individually, in pairs or in small groups.
- Learners use pronouns in simple sentence construction where appropriate.
- Learners discuss people and things in their home and school using personal pronouns.
- Learners enact dialogues using personal pronouns.
- Learners listen to a text containing personal pronouns.
Key Inquiry Question(s)
- Who cooks for you?
- Who plays with you at home?
- Who buys you books?
- Who tells you stories?
Core Competences to be developed: Communication and collaboration through construction of sentences using personal pronouns individually, in pairs or in small groups. Creativity and imagination through enacting dialogues using personal pronouns
Link to PCIs: Life skills; interpersonal relationships, appreciation of gender.
Links to other subjects :Languages, Religious
Education, Environmental activities
Suggested Non formal Activity to support learning: Using personal pronouns during play.
Suggested Learning Resources: Charts, pictures/ photographs, computer devices with audio-visual recordings of dialogues with structures on personal pronouns.
Link to Values: Respect for members of the opposite sex.
Suggested Community Service Learning activities: Exchange of ideas on references made about male and female in the community.
Suggested assessment: Oral questions, portfolio, observation
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubrics
Exceeding Expectations
Learner always replaces nouns with personal pronouns with ease, picks out personal pronouns in oral conversation and uses them in relation to gender, number and objects appropriately in dialogues.
Meeting Expectations
Learner picks out personal pronouns in oral conversation and uses them appropriately in relation to gender, number and objects in dialogues.
Approaching Expectations
Learner struggles to pick out personal pronouns in oral conversation and occasionally uses them appropriately in relation to gender, number and objects in dialogues.
Below Expectations
Learner rarely picks out personal pronouns in oral conversation and hardly uses them appropriately in relation to gender, number and objects in dialogues.