Specific Learning Outcomes
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:-
a) talk about personal hygiene activities using simple past tense,
b) use simple past tense to report on simple activities they carried out in the past,
c) appreciate/enjoy communicating ideas using the simple past tense.
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners respond to simple questions on activities in the past.
- Learners engage in games, changing verbs from present simple to past simple tense,in small groups.
- Learners group verbs/take part in fishing game on verbs in the simple past tense.
- Learners construct sentences using simple past tense on demonstrated actions.
- Repeat sentence structures containing simple past tense from a story, poem or conversation they have listened to.
Key Inquiry Question(s)
- What did you do in the morning before coming to school?
- What did the head teacher say at the assembly?
- What did the teacher do before we started the lesson?
Core Competences to be developed: Communication and collaboration as they engage in games changing verbs from present simple to past simple tense, in small groups.
Link to PCIs: Health Education; hygiene and nutrition
Links to other subjects : Hygiene and Nutrition
Suggested non-formal activity to support learning: Report the activities they were involved in at school to their parents/guardians
Suggested Learning Resources: Charts, pictures/ photographs on grooming activities, audio-visual recordings of dialogues with sentence structures on personal hygiene using simple past tense.
Link to Values: Unity
Suggested Community Service Learning activities: Sharing knowledge about hygiene and the importance of keeping ourselves clean
Suggested assessment: Oral questions, portfolio, observation
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Exceeding Expectations
Learner always uses the simple past tense to ask and respond to questions about hygiene and other activities correctly.
Meeting Expectations
Meeting Expectations
Learner uses the simple past tense to ask and respond to questions about hygiene and other activities correctly.
Approaching Expectations
Learner sometimes uses the simple past tense to ask and respond to questions about hygiene and other activities correctly.
Below Expectations Learner rarely uses the simple past tense to ask and respond to questions about hygiene and other activities correctly.