Specific Learning Outcomes for Sub-strand 2.1 Hand Washing
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;
- wash hands appropriately for personal hygiene,
- demonstrate hand washing behaviour at critical times,
- appreciate the need to wash hands for personal hygiene,
- tell the importance of washing hands.
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners observe the demonstration of washing hands
- Learners are guided to wash hands appropriately.
- In groups learners practice washing hands
- Learners sing songs and recite poems related to hand washing as they wash hands
- Learners watch videos on hand washing demonstrations
Key Inquiry Question(s)
- Why do we wash hands?
- How do we wash hands?
- When do we wash our hands?
Core-Competence to be developed ;
- Communication and collaboration-through working in groups
- Self- efficacy-Washing hands appropriately
• Learning to learn-demonstrate hand washing behaviour at critical times
Link to Pertinent and contemporary Issues:
• Loving myself (self-esteem as they demonstrate hand washing behaviour.
Link to other activity areas:
- Language activities ,
- Music and Movement Activities
- Psychomotor and Creative Activities
Suggested Non formal activities to support learning:
- Hand washing days
- Clubs and Societies
Suggested Resources:
Hand washing facilities, charts of people washing hands, videos, water, soap
Link to values:
- respect
- Responsibility
Suggested Community service learning activities:
• Parents empowerment and engagement –the parents to provide materials for hand washing, act as resource persons
Suggested assessment:
- Oral questions
- Observation
- Portfolios
- Checklists
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds Expectation
Able to tell why we should wash hands appropriately
tell critical times to wash their hand,Assist others in hand washing.
Meets Expectation
Able to tell why we should wash hands, wash hands appropriately and tell critical times to wash their hands
Approaches Expectation
Able to tell why we should wash hands appropriately.
Below Expectation
Able to wash hands but cannot tell why we should wash hands