Specific Learning Outcomes for Sub-strand 1.5 Dressing
By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to;
- identify clothes worn at different occasions,
- talk about clothes for different occasions.
- talk about the importance of dressing
appreciate clothes worn at different occasions for
Suggested Learning
• Learners are guided to identify clothes worn at different occasions
• Learners are guided in talking about clothes worn during different occasions.
• Learners could view videos and photographs of clothe worn in different occasions.
• appreciate clothes worn at different occasions
Key Inquiry Question(s)
1. What clothes do people wear at home?
2. What clothes do you wear at school?
3. What clothes do you wear at different occasions?
Core-Competences to be developed:
- Learning to learn-learning about clothes worn on different occasions
Communication and collaboration-discussing clothes worn at different occasions
Link to Pertinent and contemporary Issues (PCI’s):
- Citizenship: appreciating clothes worn by different people
Life skill: self esteem
Links to other learning areas:
- Language Activities
- Religious Education
Psychomotor and creative Activities
Suggested non formal activity to support learning:
- Music and drama festivals
- Sports and games
- Educational trips
Suggested Resources:
• Cultural attires, picture books, drawing materials, charts, resource person
Link to values:
- Respect
- Responsibility
Suggested community service learning activities:
• Participating in different activities like singing, dancing, weddings, graduations etc.
Suggested assessment:
- Oral questions,
Suggested assessment:
- Oral questions,
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds Expectation
Able to talk about clothes worn at different occasions for responding to different situations, talk about the importance of dressing, appreciate clothes worn at different occasions for responding to different situations besides assisting others to identify different clothes worn by other people.
Meets Expectation
Able to talk about clothes worn at different occasions for responding to different situations, talk about the importance of dressing, appreciate clothes worn at different occasions for responding to different situations.
Approaches Expectation
Able to talk about clothes worn at different occasions for responding to different situations, talk about the importance of dressing.
Below Expectation
Able to talk about clothes worn at different occasions for responding to different situations.