Specific Learning Outcomes
By the end of the substrand the learner should be able to ;
- Talk about courteouswords used in different situation.
- Use courteous words appropriately during interaction.
- Show etiquette in their interaction for personal relationships
Suggested Learning
- Learners are guided in situation where they can use courteous words .
- Learners are guided to talk about about courteous words
- Learners are guided in the situations where they can use corteoous words
- Learners are guided to use courteous words in incidental learning to reinforce etiquette
- In groups learners practice use of courteous word
Key Inquiry Question(s)
- What do you tell someone who has done something good to you?
- What do you tell someon who has done some thing bad to you?
- What words would you use for apprceaition?
- How do you great different people?
- When do you use the courteous word?
Link to Pertinent and contemporary Issues and Values:
- Life skills-learning to share
- Citizenship-social cohesion, integrity
Links to other learning Activities:
- Language Activities
- Religious education
- Psychomotor and Creative Activities
Suggested non formal activity to support learning:
• Role play Dramatization
Suggested Resources; charts, pictures, videos
Links to Values:
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Love
Suggested Community Service Learning:
• Visit an elderly person to learn about etiquette in the community
Suggested Assessment:
- Observation
- Oral question
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds Expectation
Able to talk about courteous words for different situations, use courteous words appropriately during interactions, show etiquette in their interactions for personal relationship besides assisting others to use courteous words in day to day life.
Meets Expectation
Able to talk about courteous words for different situations, use courteous words appropriately during interactions, show etiquette in their interactions for personal relationships.
Approaches Expectation
Able to talk about courteous words for different situations
use courteous words appropriately during interactions.
Below Expectation Able to talk about courteous words.