Specific Learning Outcomes for Sub-strand 1.3 Home
Bythe end of susbstrand the learner should be able to;
- Name people who are at home.
- Tell the relationship between people found at home
- Talk about work done by people found at home for appreciation
- Appreciate the peole at home for harmonizing living
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners be guided in naming people found at home
- Learners are guided to talk about relationsgip of people found at home eg sister ,brother ,mother etc
- Learners watch videos of people found at home
- Learners draw pictures of people found at home.
- Learner colour pictyres of people found at home
- Leraners model people found at home
- Learner sing songs and recite poems of people found at home
- Leraners could tell news about people found at home
Key Inquiry Question(s)
- Who are people found at home?
- What work is done by people found at home?
- What is the relationship of people found at home?
Core-Competences to be developed
- Learining to learn-learning about work done by people at home
- Self –efficiency –naming people found at home
- Communicating and collaborating –discussing and role playing
Link to Pertinent and contemporary Issues (PCI’s):
- Citizenship-giving relationship of people at home
- Life skills-self –awareness and relating with other at home
Links to other learning areas:
- Language activities
- Psychomotor and creative activities
Suggested non formal activity to support learning:
- Role playing
- clubs
Link to values
- Patriotism –by relating well with people found athome
- Respect-people and work done by people
- Love
Suggested community service learning activities:
- Visiting an elderly person to learn sbout etiquete in the community
Suggested assessment:
- Oral question
- Observation
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds Expectation
Able to talk about people found at home for self-awareness, appreciate the people at home for harmonious living besides assisting others to talk about work doing by different members of the family.
Meets Expectation
Able to talk about people found at home for self-awareness, appreciate the people at home and their work for harmonious living.
Approaches Expectation
Able to talk about people found at home for self-awareness but cannot appreciate the people at home and their work.
Below Expectation
Able to talk about people found at home for self-awareness.