Specific Learning Outcomes
By the end of the sub-strand the leaner should be able to;
- Identify simple singing games for enjoyment
- Perform simple singing games for fun
- Perform simple singing games using props
- Appreciate their culture as they perform
Suggested Learning Experience
- Guide learners to perform singing games freely.
- Guide learners to identify props to accompany singing games.
- Guide learners to perform singing games from different cultures in groups and in pairs.
- Guide learners to watch a video on singing games from different cultures.
- Guide learners to perform singing games from different culture in groups and in pairs.
Key Inquiry Questions
- Which singing games do you enjoy most?
- Which costumes do you use?
Core Competence
- Communication and collaboration – as they work in pairs and small groups
- Self-efficacy – as learners perform singing games
- Digital literacy – sue of electronic gadgets
- Citizenship – perform singing games from different cultures
Links to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
• Collaboration and unity
Links to other learning areas
- Language
- Mathematics
- Environmental
- Religious activities
Non-formal activity to support learning Music festivals and fun days
Links to Core Values
• Citizenship and diversity
Suggested Community Service
Invite a resource person to enlighten them about the morals and values in the singing game
Suggested Assessment
• Observation, observation checklist, walk and watch
Suggested learning resources: videos, recorded music festival items, resource persons
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeding Above Expectation
- Identify by naming simple singing games in their environment
- Perform simple singing games from different culture with props
- Enjoy other culture as they perform different games
Meeting Expectation
- Identify by naming some of the singing game in their country
- Attempt performing simple singing games from different culture with props
- Enjoy other culture as they perform different songs
Approaches Expectations
- Attempt singing songs in their language
- Attempt simple singing games from different culture with props
- Enjoy others culture as they sing and perform different games
Below Expectation
- Does not identify singing game
- No performance of singing game
- No enjoyment of singing games
- No attempt to sue props