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Specific Learning Outcomes

By the end of the sub-theme the learner  should be able to:

  1. narrate the story on the birth of

Jesus our saviour

  • name the parents of Jesus Christ
  • name the place of Jesus’ birth
  • role play the birth of Jesus


  • demonstrate the visit by the shepherds through role playing to signify God’s love.
  • colour the drawn pictures of Baby Jesus and His parents at the Manger
  • appreciate the birth of Jesus as the saviour of mankind

 Suggested Learning Experiences

  •  Learners to listen to the story about the birth of Jesus Christ

(Luke 2:1-7) (Isaiah 9:6) 

  • In groups learners narrate the story on the birth of Jesus Christ.
  • learners to role play the birth of Jesus 
  • Learners are led to move around the classroom to observe the displayed pictures of the birth of Jesus Christ, his birth place and parents
  • Learners view video clip on the birth of Jesus
  • Learners colour drawn pictures of baby Jesus, and his parents at the manger. (Luke 2:1-7)

Key Inquiry Questions

  1. When is your birthday
  2. How do you

celebrate your birthday?

  • Where was Jesus Christ born?

Jesus Christ born?

  • Who are the parents of Jesus ?
  • Which town was Jesus

Christ born?

 Core competencies to be developed: 

Communication and Collaboration: The learners will role play while talking, singing, dancing and telling simple stories on how Jesus was born.

Citizenship: Patriotism, unity  as they identify their birthplace

Learning to learn: Learners will demonstrate understanding of the  birth of Jesus Christ.  

Self-Efficacy: Knowing and appreciating their birthday just as Jesus was born

Digital literacy: Learners view video clip on the birth of Jesus

Link to PCIs: 

Life Skills Education: self- awareness, self- esteem, assertiveness

Links to other subjects: Environmental and language activities, Psychomotor  

Suggested non formal activity to support learning: Learners will pay a visit to a nearest church to learn more about the story of the birth of Jesus Christ,  

Suggested learning resources:

Good News  Bible, plasticine/any modeling materials for-example clay, Pictures, Digital devices e.g Audio visual, Flash cards, charts, picture books, hand books, books, Small baskets, Flash cards

Link to values: Love and concern, Humility, Sharing, responsibility and respect  

Suggested Community Learning activities: In groups learners will be led to visit a nearby animal farm to observe and understand how a manger looks like, where Baby Jesus Christ was laid after birth.   

Suggested assessment: Oral questions, group work and observations.

Suggested Assessment Rubrics

Exceeds Expectation

  • Learner is able  to  tell to the story on the birth of Jesus Christ 
  • Learner is able to  role play the birth of Jesus 
  • Learner is able to observe the displayed pictures of the birth of Jesus Christ, his birth place and parents
  • Learner is able to  colour drawn pictures of baby Jesus, and his parents at the manger 
  • Appreciate the birth of Jesus as the saviour of mankind

 Meets Expectation

  • Learner is able  to  tell to the story on the birth of Jesus Christ 
  • Learner is able to  role play the birth of Jesus 
  • Learner is able to observe the displayed pictures of the birth of Jesus Christ, his birth place and parents
  • Learner is able to  colour drawn pictures of baby Jesus, and his parents at the manger 

 Approaches Expectation

  • Learner is able  to  tell to the story on the birth of Jesus Christ 
  • Learner is able to  role play the birth of Jesus 
  • Learner is able to observe the displayed pictures of the birth of Jesus Christ, his birth place

and parents

 Below Expectation

• Learner is able  to  tell to the story on the birth

of Jesus Christ 

This is paragraph 2 for posts without the target word.

By Depa

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