Specific Learning Outcomes
By the end of the sub-theme the learner should be able to:
- name the Bible as a Holy book used by Christians for spiritual growth,
- sing simple songs on the Bible as a Holy book of God to be respected,
- respect the Bible as a Holy book for their spiritual growth.
- appreciate the Bible as a Holy Book in his/her daily life for spiritual growth.
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners are guided to identify the Bible in realia and in pictures form
- Learners are guided to recognize the
Bible as a Holy book (Matthew 24:35)
- Learners sing songs on the Bible as a Holy book for example, the song, “read your Bible, pray every day”
- Learners are guided to observe and colour drawn pictures of the Bible
- In small groups, learners are guided to demonstrate how to handle the bible with care and respect
- Learners are shown pictures of children reading the bible (2Timothy 3:16)
Key Inquiry Questions
- What is a Bible?
- At what time do you read the Bible?
- Why is the Bible called a Holy book?
- How should we handle the Bible?
Core Competences to be developed:
Communication and Collaboration – Learners will participate in different groups communicating, singing songs and colouring the Bible to enhance their understanding of the Bible as a Holy book.
Learning to learn-By observing the Bible, Bible pictures, watch audio visual pictures and colouring drawn pictures, the learners will develop the skill of inquiry.
Link to PCIs:
Life skills Education: Critical thinking, Effective , self-esteem, decision making, communication and Assertiveness.
Citizenship: Bible is read by all Christians to promote unity
Link to other learning subjects: Language and psychomotor activities.
Suggested non formal activity to support learning: Learners to be guided to organize themselves in small groups outside the classroom during assembly or a school function within the school compound to sing songs in praise of the Bible as a Holy book.
Suggested learning resource:
Good News Bible, pictures, digital devices e.g Audio visual, flash cards, charts, picture books, hand books
Link to Values: Love, Responsibility, integrity and respect
Suggested Community Service Learning activities: Pay a visit to a nearby church and have the priest/pastor tell them more about the Bible
Suggested assessment: Oral question, portfolio and observation. Check list
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds expectation
- Learner is able to identify the bible in realia and in pictures
- Learner understands the Bible as a Holy book
- Learner is able to sing songs on the Bible as a Holy book
- Learner is able observe and colour drawn pictures of the Bible.
- Learner is able to demonstrate how to handle the bible with care and respect
- Learner is able to appreciate the
Bible as a Holy book
Meets Expectation
- Learner is able to identify the bible in realia and in pictures
- Learner understands the Bible as a Holy book
- Learner is able to sing songs on the Bible as a Holy book
- Learner is able observe and colour drawn pictures of the Bible.
- Learner is able to demonstrate how to handle the bible with care and respect
Approaches expectation
- Learner is able to identify the bible in realia and in pictures
- Learner understands the Bible as a Holy book
- Learner is able to sing songs on the Bible as a Holy book
Below expectation
- Learner is able to identify the bible in realia and in pictures
- Learner understands the Bible as a Holy book