Specific Learning Outcomes
By the end of the sub-theme the learner should be able to:
a) name different times of prayer for his/her spiritual nourishment.
- demonstrate postures for prayer as way of communicating with
- recite simple prayers for his/her spiritual growth
- desire to thank and praise God through prayers.
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners will be guided to name different times of prayer (Acts 3:1)
- Learners will be guided to demonstrate postures for prayer
- Learners are guided to recite simple prayers (Mathew6:9-13)
- Learners are guided to say simple prayers for different times (Mark
- Learners will listen to simple prayers from any audio visual devices
- Learners will be guided to role play simple short prayers. (Jeremiah 29:12)
Key Inquiry Questions
- How do you communicate to God?
- How do you pray?
- What times do you pray
- Who answers your prayers?
- How can you thank God?
Core competences to be developed:
Communication and collaboration: Learners will learn to make simple prayers for different times
Learning to learn: Learners will understand ways of talking to God for various reasons at home and in the church Self-efficacy: Learners will confidently pray to their creator
Link to PCIs:
Life Skills education: Effective communication, thus communication with God and others. Self-esteem, assertiveness, decision making as they pray
Link to other subjects:
Language and psychomotor activities
Environmental activities
Suggested non-formal activity to support learning:
Learners will a visit to a nearby church to observe and join people praying.
Suggested learning resource:
Good News Bible, Charts, Picture, Cut-outs, Simple prayer books, Audio visual, Flash cards, hand books and picture books
Link to Values: Love, obedience, peace, integrity and respect
Honesty to God in prayer
Responsibility in praying for self and others
Suggested Community Service learning activities:
Learners in small groups will practice saying simple prayers with their teacher for their families and their leaders
Learners to visit a sick child in their community and pray for them
Suggested assessment: Observations, oral questions, check lists and portfolios.
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds Expectation
- Learner will be able to name different times of prayer
- Learner will be able to demonstrate postures for prayer
- Learner will be able recite simple prayers
- Learner will be able to say simple prayers for different times
- Learner will be able to listen to simple prayers from any audio visual devices
- Learner will be guided to role play simple short prayers
- Leaner desires to thank and praise God
Meets Expectation
- Learner will be able to name different times of prayer
- Learner will be able to demonstrate postures for prayer
- Learner will be able recite simple prayers
- Learner will be able to say simple prayers for different times Learner will be able to listen to simple prayers from any audio visual devices
Approaches Expectation
- Learner will be able to name different times of prayer
- Learner will be able to demonstrate postures for prayer
- Learner will be able recite simple prayers
- Learner will be able to say simple prayers for different times
Below Expectation
- Learner will be able to name different times of prayer
- Learner will be able to demonstrate postures for