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  • Pre-Technical Studies as a subject is anchored on the Economic pillar of Kenya Vision 2030 and the recommendations by Session Papers No 1 of 2005 and No 1 of 2019 which recommended the promotion of technical and vocational training with an emphasis on Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) in the school curriculum.
  • The subject builds up on skills acquired in Science & Technology in Upper Primary, Grades 4 to 6.
  • It equips the learner with foundational knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that are a prerequisite for specialisation in subjects such as Metalwork, Woodwork, Electricity, Aviation Technology, Building Construction, Power Mechanics, Leatherwork, Culinary arts, Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy, Marine & Fisheries, Manufacturing, Media Technology among others. These are subjects offered in the Technical, Engineering track and CTS track of the STEM pathway at Senior School (Grades 10-12).
  • Learners also acquire hands-on skills as they are exposed to practical work in workshops within their locality.


By the end of Junior Secondary, the learner should be able to;

  1. Make informed and meaningful career choices in technical career fields.
  2. Apply competencies acquired in workshop safety to prevent accidents and save lives.
  3. Use materials and safely dispose waste to promote education for sustainable development.
  4. Apply acquired drawing skills to communicate effectively
  5. Apply the acquired competencies to select, use and maintain tools,  equipment and materials to support community-based projects.

f)    Use available energy resources to solve problems in the community.


The Pre-Technical Studies subject general learning outcomes are generated from the Junior Secondary School level learning outcomes. The JSS level learning outcomes are also generated from the National Goals of Education

    This means that there is an interrelationship and interlinkage between the National Goals of Education, the JSS level learning outcomes and the Pre-Tech General learning outcomes


  • Pre-tech Studies is an integrated subject which equips learners with basic technical skills in preparation for Technical & Engineering and (CTS) subjects at senior school level
  • The content builds the foundation for TVET sector as learners proceed to Senior School and beyond
  • It has introduced project/practical work which shall be done using locally available resources in school and the community
  • Concepts of careers, PCIs and values have been integrated in the learning outcomes and learning experiences


There are 5 strands and each strand has sub-strands as outlined in the table

1. SAFETYPersonal safety  Injuries
2. MATERIALS  Common materials Metals Non metals Project activity 1
3.TOOLSHousehold hand tools Farming hand tools Project activity 2
4. DRAWINGTypes of drawings Drawing instruments and equipment Free hand sketching Geometrical construction Project activity3
5. ENERGY RESOURCESSources of energy Uses of energy Project activity 4


Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) is the recommended approach for teaching Pre-Technical Studies. It emphasizes on the importance of active involvement of learners in constructing knowledge for themselves. The curriculum has balanced both theory and practice/projects, therefore learning shall be experiential. This approach shall involve the following methods;

  1. Project Based Learning
  1. Problem Based Learning
  2. Socio-scientific issues based instruction

4.  Industrial visits/Field trips/Excursions


Pre-Tech Studies is a compulsory subject at Junior Secondary school level and is allocated 4 lessons per week translating to 120 lessons per year

Safety9 lessons
Materials33 lessons
Tools24 lessons
Drawing35 lessons
Energy sources19 lessons


  • This is a new integrated learning area at Junior Secondary as opposed to the 8.4.4 syllabus, where we have seven (7) distinct technical subjects
  • It is a compulsory learning area as opposed to the 7 technical subjects in 8.4.4 curriculum which are optional and offered only in few schools
  • The 7 Technical subjects in the 8-4-4 curriculum are:

1. Building Construction                    2. Electricity

3. Aviation Technology                        4. Drawing & Design

5. Metalwork                                       6. Woodwork

7. Power mechanics

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2 thoughts on “<strong>GRADE 7 CBC/CBA TRAINING</strong> <strong>PRE-TECHNICAL STUDIES</strong>”
  1. I am a diploma holder in automotive engineering,will I stand a chance to teach pre_technical units in junior secondary school?employ me, permanent basis,regards!

  2. this is okay, it meets vision 2030 with 2019 recommendations but implementors should be given upgrade teachers to succeed

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