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Junior secondary will consist of grade 7 8 and 9. Learners who are transiting from grade six will have to study a number of subjects. The following are compulsory and Optional subjects to be covered.

Compulsory Subjects For Junior Secondary

  1. English
  2. Kiswahili or Kenya Sign Language for hearing Impaired learners
  3. Mathematics
  4. Health education
  5. integrated Science
  6. Social Studies
  7. Religious Education (Either CRE, IRE or HRE)
  8. Pre-Technical and Pre-career Education
  9. Life Skills education
  10. Business studies
  11. Agriculture
  12. Sports and Physical Education

Optional Subjects In Junior Secondary

A learner is supposed to do a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2. Note that ICT will be used as a tool of Delivery for all subjects. They include

  1. Visual Arts
  2. Performing Arts
  3. Homescience
  4. Computer Science
  5. Foreign Languages
  6. German
  7. French
  8. Indigenous Languages
  9. Kenya Sign Language
  10. Arabic
  11. Mandarin

This is paragraph 2 for posts without the target word.

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