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Painting and Collage

Colour classification
  • Colours are classified into the following categories

Primary colours – these are pure colours that are mixed to obtain other colours. They include red, blue and yellow.

  • Secondary colours – they are colours obtained when you mix two primary colours in equal proportional.
  • Tertiary colours – they are colours obtained when you mix a primary and a secondary colour in equal proportion. They are also called intermediate colours.
    • Colour Wheel – a chart showing the primary, secondary and tertiary colours.
    • Colours are graded using black and white and colour toning will help in the mixing of colour to get the best.

How to draw and paint on a colour wheel

  1. Draw a circular shape using a pair of compass or a protractor and pencil.
  2. Divide the circle into twelve parts as shown. Label the parts so that you can identify which part to paint a specific colour as shown.
  3. Paint the primary colours on the places marked red, blue and yellow on the colour wheel.
  4. Mix two primary colours in equal amounts to obtain a secondary colour and paint on the sections marked green, orange and violet on the colour wheel.
  5. Mix a primary colour and secondary colour in equal amounts to obtain a tertiary colour and paint on the sections marked red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet, blue- green, yellow-orange and yellow-green.



Pictorial composition

  • Montage is a technique used in creating an image by pasting pictures. In this method it involves cutting photographs, sorting and pasting them on a surface to create a composite image.
    • Collage – is a technique of creating pictures by pasting different materials on a surface to create a pictorial composition.
    • This method involves pasting which is the act of sticking objects on a surface using glue to create the collage.
    • The objects are stuck together using adhesives such as glue.
    • Materials for collage should be improvised as much as possible and re-used to avoid wastage.

Making mixed media collage landscape composition Collecting and preparing materials.

  1. Collect the materials and tools for their project from their local environment as follows.
    1. Stiff support surface e.g. plywood, cardboard, carton box that will carry the weight of the materials.
    1. Adhesives like office glue or plant glue. It should be strong enough to hold the materials in place.
    1. Assorted materials e.g. leaves, grass, sand, tree barks and inedible seeds
  • Cut and sort the materials according to size and type.

Making the collage pictorial composition

  1. Draw the landscape composition on paper. Outline of the landscape showing the main features like trees, sky, houses and anything else of interest.
    1. Identify and mark the areas they want to paste each material on the sketched composition.
    1. Cut and arrange the materials in the marked areas to check how they fit.
    1. Remove the materials and using a brush, apply glue in sections of the cardboard. Paste the cut materials on the cardboard. Continue pasting until the surface is covered.
    1. Leave the work to dry then paint over some parts if they desire.

This is paragraph 2 for posts without the target word.

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