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Role of the Teacher in Minimizing learners’ Stress

Learners may use various remedies to alleviate stress, including:

Exercise and physical activity

Physical activity, such as playing sports, jogging, or engaging in other forms of exercise, can help reduce stress by releasing endorphins and improving overall well-being.

Relaxation techniques

Learners may use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to calm their minds and bodies and reduce stress.

Social support

Talking to friends, family members, or teachers about their concerns and seeking emotional support can help learners manage stress and alleviate its effects.

Time management strategies

Learners may develop time management strategies, such as creating schedules or prioritizing tasks, to better manage their academic responsibilities and reduce stress related to deadlines or workload.


Taking care of oneself through proper sleep, healthy eating, and engaging in activities they enjoy can help learners reduce stress and promote well-being.

Seeking professional help

If stress becomes overwhelming or persistent, learners may seek professional help from counselors, therapists, or mental health professionals to address their stress and develop coping strategies.

Hobbies and recreational activities

Engaging in hobbies, creative pursuits, or recreational activities that they enjoy can help learners relax, de-stress, and take a break from academic pressures.

It’s important for learners to find healthy and effective ways to cope with stress and seek appropriate support when needed. Schools and educators can also play a crucial role in promoting stress management techniques and providing resources for learners to manage stress effectively.

Remedies Used by Learners to Alleviate Stress

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