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Distribution of Lessons in Junior Secondary


Effective implementation of JSE necessitates a multi-agency approach with the participation of different stakeholders. The specific roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders are articulated below.

The Ministry of Education SHALL be responsible for: Providing overall strategic leadership and coordination of JSS. The general roles and responsibilities of MoE SHALL include:

  • Formulating legislative, policy frameworks and standards to guide JSE implementation;
  • Education programming; leadership coordination and performance management at National, County, Sub-County and institutional levels;
  • Provisional Mobilisation of infrastructure and human resources for effective JSE implementation;
  • Research, knowledge integration and dissemination on JSE implementation; (v)   Development of institutional and stakeholder capacities on relevant aspects; (vi)   Communication, awareness and advocacy on JSE.

(vii) QA, M&E and reporting on JSE quality and effectiveness;

(viii)Partnerships and linkages with other Government Ministries, Departments, Agencies, the private sector and stakeholders on JSE implementation.

(ix) Overall coordination, monitoring and reporting on the curriculum reforms implementation through linkages within the Education sector.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) SHALL:

  • Recruit teachers to handle the new subjects and learning areas.
  • Provide projections and requirements for teachers in JSS and SSS.
  • Deploy adequate number of teachers in all schools.
  • Deploy Head Teachers to JSS.
  • Promote and transfer teachers.
  • Exercise disciplinary control over teachers.(vii) Terminate employment of teachers.

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) SHALL:

  • Develop the JSE curriculum and curriculum support materials.
  • Evaluate and approve curriculum support materials for use in JSE.
  • Conduct needs assessment and formative and summative evaluation of the JSE curriculum.
  • Develop online content and training programmes for JSS learners, teachers and tutors.
  • Partner with other relevant agencies and institutions to develop the JSE curriculum and curriculum support materials as well as training of teachers.
  • Provide guidelines for PEE, Non-formal and Informal Education Programmes and VBE for all levels of education.
  • Keep under review the BECF and the Competency Based Teacher Education Framework (CBTEF), for effective implementation of the JSE curriculum.

The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC)SHALL:

  • Issue each school with a username and password for use to access the assessment tools from the KEYA portal.
  • Upload the assessment tools on the KEYA portal for the JSSs to download and print copies for the learners. In the event that a JSS is not able to download and print the assessment tools, the headteacher SHOULD liaise with the SCDE or the CSO for assistance.
  • Liaise with the SCDEs SCDE to disseminate assessment materials for different categories of learners with special needs in education.
  • Develop assessment tasks that target the affective, domains, Psychomotor and cognitive.
  • Develop guidelines on reporting formats incorporating acquisition of values.
  • Develop effective assessment for all learners with special needs and disabilities including the Gifted and Talented.

The Education Assessment and Resource Centres (EARCs) WILL:

  • Conduct early identification of learners and trainees with special needs.
  • Sensitise and create awareness within communities on Special Needs Education.
  • Provide psycho-social and professional support to learners and trainees with disabilities and their families or caregivers  G&C of parents, guardians and learners or referral to qualified professional counsellors. Provide psychosocial and professional support to families of children with disabilities. Support and coordinate outreach activities, referrals and follow up.
  • Initiate and coordinate multi-disciplinary teams for assessment and development of Individual Education Plans.
  • Placements and referrals to appropriate institutions such as Special Schools, Special units, mainstream schools or relevant health facilities
  • Collaborate with education stakeholders including TSC, CDE, CSOs, and QASOs to promote and improve teaching and learning for CWD/SNE. Use assessment data and information gathered in giving advice on the provision of appropriate teaching/learning materials for learners with special needs and disabilities in special schools/units/mainstream schools.
  • Update teachers on curriculum changes, pedagogy, content coverage and other emerging issues in the teaching services.
  • Research on SNE and inclusive education.
  • Resource mobilisation to support EARC programmes and activities.

Other Semi-Autonomous Agencies of the MoE:

  • The Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) is responsible for the capacity development of BoMs and inducting the newly appointed JSS heads.
  • The Kenya Institute for Special Education (KISE) conducts functional assessments for learners with special needs and advises on suitable placement. KISE also trains teachers in SNE and develops guidelines on assessment and screening of learners with disability in collaboration with MoE, relevant organisations and stakeholders.
  • The Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology in Africa (CEMASTEA) develops teacher support materials, simplified teaching aids and other instructional materials, and continual assessment tools. The Centre also trains teachers in STEM education.
  • School Equipment Production Unit (SEPU) is responsible for providing low-cost mobile laboratories, integrated science kits and other teaching and learning resources necessary to support JSE.
  • Kenya Institute for the Blind provides learning resources for learners with visual impairment. They also offer specialised training and rehabilitation services to learners, trainees, and stakeholders who loose eyesight.
  • Kenya Literature Bureau Publishes, Prints, Sells and distributes text books for teaching and learning as well as support for teacher capacity development on specific aspects of the curriculum.

Government Ministries, Departments, Commissions and Agencies

At the different administrative levels, the departments of Infrastructure, Environment, ICT, Sports and Culture; Energy, Health, Water, Agriculture, Lands, Social Protection, Labour, Roads, Planning, National Treasury, Justice and Law will play a significant role in addressing specific JSE needs. The key roles of the Government MDCAs WILL be:

  • Integrating the Guidelines for Implementing JSS with relevant sector plans and programmes.
  • Providing technical input for development of JSS policies and standards;
  • Complementing the financing of JSS in the relevant aspects;
  • QA, M&E and reporting on implementation of JSS in the relevant aspects;
  • Research, knowledge generation, integration and dissemination to support JSS quality; (vi)   Development of the technical capacities of JSS staff and stakeholders in relevant aspects.

County and Sub-County Directors SHALL be responsible for:

  • Supervision, monitoring and reporting on the progress of curriculum implementation (including teaching, learning and assessment quality).
  • Enforcing adherence to education policies and standards.
  • Quality assurance of education in liaison with other relevant stakeholders (iv)            Supporting coaching and mentorship of practicing teachers.
  • Capacity building of the JSS leadership and teachers in relevant aspects.
  • Collaborating with KNEC to ensure effective management and administration of assessment programmes.

Heads and Deputy Heads of JSS SHALL be responsible for:

(i)        School Strategic Development Planning and its implementation; (ii)             Ensuring registration of the School.

  • Collaborating with the MoE and stakeholders to create a safe, protective and conducive learning environment;
  • Monitoring and enforcing education policies and standards.
  • Overall in-charge and liaison with the MoE (DQAS) on IBQA (including, operationalization of Communities of Practice and subject panels).
  • Instructional leadership and curriculum supervision to ensure compliance with professional practice at the institutional level;
  • Implementing the resolutions (as Secretary) and Providing technical advice to the BoM and the schools stakeholders to enable the institution achieve its objective;
  • Ensuring proper management and maintenance of the JSS resources;
  • Ensuring provision and use of approved instructional materials;
  • Advising the MoE and TSC on the optimum CBE in the institution; (xi)          Implementing learner support programmes (CSL, VBE, PEE, CE and EE).
  • Monitoring education quality, collating, managing and reporting to the MoE, TSC and other stakeholders on institutional performance (as necessary).
  • Induction and mentoring of teachers and learners (as appropriate).
  • Guidance and modelling values to the teachers and learners;
  • Overseeing the implementation of performance management in the school. (xvi) Appraisal of teaching and non-teaching staff members, and.

Teachers SHALL be responsible for:

  • Preparing and maintaining professional and administrative documents.
  • Improvisation and use of teaching and learning resources .
  • Designing and facilitating age appropriate learning and assessment tasks.
  • Institutionalizing peer, formative and summative assessment of the learners.
  • Organisation of co-curricular activities.
  • Supervising the classroom as well as out of classroom learning tasks.
  • Guidance, counselling and discipline of learners, in liaison with their parents.

(Viii)  Modelling values and responsibility to the learners.

  • Active participation in continual professional development (including subject panels, Community of Practice and peer learning).
  • Identifying learners with special needs for early intervention and placement.
  • Identifying and nurturing learners’ talents (including the gifted and talented). (xii) Providing feedback to stakeholders on the learning progress.

Parents and Guardians SHALL be responsible for:

  • Mobilizing resources for the child’s basic as well as educational needs.
  • Monitoring the child’s growth, development and academic progress.
  • Ensuring safety of the child to and from school.
  • Supervising and supporting the child’s learning as guided by the teacher.
  • Providing love and care to ensure they build the child’s emotional safety and sense of belonging.
  • Teaching, modelling and reinforcing appropriate values to the learners.
  • Collaborating with teachers to identify and nurture the child’s talents and ability.
  • Ensuring peaceful and prompt resolution of conflicts that may arise.
  • Active participation in the planning, development and decision-making processes of school activities. This includes academic clinics, talent, prize giving days and parents meetings.
  • Identifying any signs of disability and collaborating with teachers in functional assessment and placement of children with special needs and disability.
  • Collaborating with the teacher on the child’s discipline, guidance and counselling.
  • Instilling a sense of responsibility by ensuring the child participates in age appropriate chores.

Learners SHALL be responsible for:

  • Attending school and participating in learning.
  • Observing school rules and regulations.
  • Caring for and maintaining the school environment including the facilities and learning materials.
  • Caring for and respecting themselves and others.
  • Participating in community service activities organised by the school.
  • Relaying information from the school’s administration to parents or guardians.

Learner Support Programmes in Junior Secondary-JSS

Distribution of Lessons in Junior Secondary

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