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1. Distribution of Lessons for the Regular and Adapted Curricula

Table 3 shows the distribution of lessons for the regular and adapted JSE Curriculum.

Table 3: Distribution of Lessons for the Regular and Adapted JSE Curricula
S/NoSubjectsNumber of Lessons Per Week (40 minutes per lesson)
3.Pre-technical studies4
5.Integrated Science4
6.Social Studies3
7.Business Studies3
9.Religious Education.  Learners to choose one of the following (IRE, HRE, CRE)3
10.Health Education2
11.Sports and Physical Education2
12.Life Skills Education1
13.Option 13
14Option 113


  • There SHALL be nine (9) lessons per day for five days totalling to 45 per week.
  • The time allocation for each lesson SHALL be 40 minutes.
  • English SHALL be the medium of instruction for all learning areas except Kiswahili, KSL, foreign and indigenous languag

Time- tabling of Lessons in Junior Secondary

Time- tabling of Lessons for the Regular and Adapted JSE Curriculum

The prototype time table is attached in Annex 2. This implies that classroom learning SHALL be conducted as follows:

  • ALL JSSs SHALL operate from 8.20 AM to 4.00 PM Monday to Friday as provided for in the Basic Education Regulations (2015).
  • Activities taking place before the start of lessons (7.00-8.20 AM) and after the lessons (4.00-5.00 PM) SHOULD be indicated on the time table.
  • English and Mathematics SHOULD be allocated a lesson per day.
  • All Physical Education (PE) and Sports lessons SHOULD be taught before lunch and be plotted just before a break.
  • Subjects that aim at developing related or similar skills such as English and Kiswahili/KSL, Integrated Science and Health Education SHOULD not be taught consecutively.
  • Pre- technical Studies SHOULD be allocated two double lessons per week.
  • The practical subjects (Integrated Science, Agriculture, Computer Science, Home Science, Visual and Performing Arts) SHOULD be allocated a double and single lesson per week respectively.
  • All other subjects SHOULD be allocated a single lesson per day.
  • Provision SHOULD be made in the timetable to cater for the optional subjects.

In order to ensure effective implementation of the curriculum, ALL JSSs SHOULD:

  • Implement a Career Guidance programme to empower learners on the choice of Pathways and Tracks at the end of Grade 9.
  • Constitute a time-tabling Committee with representation from all the departments.

       2. Distribution of Lessons in the Pre- vocational Level curriculum

Learners who are not able to follow the regular curriculum SHALL follow the Stage-based Pathway and curriculum which is pegged on achievement of identified milestones rather than the age of the learner. These include learners with severe autism, deaf blindness, intellectual and multiple disabilities.

The Pre-vocational level curriculum SHALL entail the following learning areas:

Table 4: Distribution of Lessons in the Pre-Vocational Level Curriculum

 Learning areasNumber of lessons
1Pre-vocational skills10
2Physical and Health Education5
3Communication and Social Skills4
4Daily Living Skills3
5Mathematical Activities3
6Music and Movement3
7Religious Education (CRE, HRE, IRE)3
8Hygiene, Nutrition and Safety3
9Environmental Activities3
10Social Studies3

In this regard, the leadership of Special JSSs offering the Pre- vocational curriculum SHOULD ensure the following:

  • Eight (8) lessons per day for five days totalling to 40 per week.
  • Provision of individualised learning
  • Allocation of time depending on completion and mastery of specific tasks.

The Pre- vocational Level Time Table

The Pre- vocational level timetable SHOULD be implemented as follows:

  • Official operating hours from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Monday to Friday as provided for in the Basic Education Regulations of 2015. 
  • All learning areas are compulsory for every learner.
  • For Religious Education, learners select the learning area based on their faith.

This is paragraph 2 for posts without the target word.

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