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The Induction Mentorship and Coaching Programme has been established to complement other professional development initiatives such as the internship programme, school support programmes and those related to skills development in the teaching service. Mentorship and Coaching takes place when an experienced teacher or expert assists a teacher to grow in all spheres of their life as a proffessional.

The programme is in line with the Commission’s reform agenda and adoption of best practices in career development, professional conduct and performance management for efficient service de-livery in the teaching service. The programme is informed by the need to engage on preventive strategies and a corrective approach in the management of teacher professional conduct and per-formance.

The mentor facilitates career and psycho-social development of a mentee by providing required professional support which will help to prevent occurrence of professional misconduct. This will result in improved performance in the teaching service leading to overall improved learn-ing outcomes.

The Mentorship and Coaching programme will help the teacher to make more informed decisions in their professional practice and personal lives, while also providing a full opportunity for them to access an exciting and fulfilling career. It is envisaged that the Mentorship and Coaching pro-gramme will influence employee retention by helping to establish a life-long learning culture that is attractive to top talent who desire growth opportunities in the teaching profession.

What is Mentoring all about?

The mentoring partnership is an agreement between two people sharing experiences and expertise to help with personal and professional growth.

Why Mentorship and Coaching in Discipline Management

  • Reduce cases of indiscipline
  • For personal and career development
  • For succession management
  • Builds confidence and encourages employees

Why Teacher Induction Mentorship and Coaching (TIMEC)

Teacher Induction Mentorship and Coaching (TIMEC) in the teaching service, is a structured teacher support programme aimed at embracing preventive measures in managing teacher professional conduct and performance. The professional support activities developed will enhance teacher competencies, knowledge and skills; for newly recruited teachers, including those on internship, teachers in service with performance gaps, newly appointed institutional administrators and those to be trained as mentors/coaches.

The programme is based on a flexible model that allows mentors/coaches/ mentees to interract at institutional level or within zone or cluster groups, while at the same time, continue performing the teaching services. Mentors will be drawn from; experienced registered teachers, succesful professionals, state and non state players depending on the felt needs. The teacher mentee will be able to develop professional skills and competences, practices and conduct, values and attitudes through experiential learning.

The program will guided by the following principles: –

1. National Values

The implementation of this Policy will be guided by the National Values and Principles of Governance as stipulated in Article 10 and Values and Principles of Public Service as stipulated in Articles 232 of the Constitution of Kenya.

2. Professionalism

The participants will be required to uphold professionalism in their practice. The Mentors and Mentees to conduct themselves professionally as stipulated in the Code of Regulation for teachers (CORT), 2015 and Code of Conduct and Ethics and other Legal instruments.

3. Confidentiality

 Mentors, Coaches and Mentees shall have the responsibility to maintain and re-spect confidentiality of all parties.

 4. Non-Discrimination

The process of identification and selection of Mentors, Coaches and Mentees will give an equal opportunity to all at any one period.

 5. Voluntary Participation

 The selection of mentors will be anchored on the principle of volunteerism. The mentors will be encouraged to offer their services voluntarily for the good of the teaching profession, personal career growth and the society at large.

6. Collaboration

The Commission will coordinate and seek to establish partnerships and collabora-tion with relevant stakeholders to support the Induction, Mentorship and Coaching Program.

 7. Sustainability

The Commission will promote institutional ownership of Induction, Mentorship and Coaching Programmes through partnership collaboration to ensure sustainability. This will require synergy and drawing on linkages with other relevant state and non -state stakeholders for an all-round development of the mentees. The programme will also be anchored to existing commissions policy that supports career growth, professional development and reward and sanction so as to motivate and encour-age teacher participation.

 8. Protection of the Mentee

 The interests of the mentee shall be safeguarded while undertaking the program.

9. Lifelong Learning

The Commission will ensure continuous professional development of teachers in order to improve and upgrade their knowledge, skills and competences in re-sponse to the ever changing socio economic and technological environment and the requirements in teaching and learning.


The policy will apply to newly recruited teachers, newly appointed institutional administrators and teachers experiencing challenges in professional conduct and performance in the teaching service. It shall also apply to experienced teachers in service who will mentor and coach the above mentioned teacher.

TIMEC aims at achieving the following short-term and long-term objectives;

  1. Institutionalization and Implementation of the programme in all public Basic Education Institutions
  2.  Empowered Institutional Administrators leading to well managed Institutions.
  3. Teachers with performance gaps supported and developed, leading to better performance hence job satisfaction and better self-esteem.
  4. Teachers with professional misconduct supported through the relevant professional development practices leading to teacher retention in the teaching service.
  5.  Competent and empowered teachers supporting learners academic and psychosocial needs, hence improved curriculum implementation, safe and harmonize school environment.
  6. Empowered learners who are mentored, guided and counselled on career choices, moral, psychosocial and emotional issues.
  7. Entrenched continuous teacher professional development and lifelong learning
  8. Teachers compliance with provisions of the Code of Regulations for Teachers (CORT) and Code of Conduct and Ethics (COCE) hence improved teacher professional conduct and performance.



 An approach where a supervisor supports an individual or a team by building their skills, competencies and attitudes through direction and instruction inorder to learn a paricular skill (current skills or acquiring new skills) or work towards a set goal. The purpose of coaching is to improve the individual’s performance on the job.


 This entails building the capacity of the field officers, members of the Boards of Management (BoM), institutional administrators and newly appointed teachers with regard to the professional regulations, the processes and procedures in the management of teacher discipline amongst others. It also familiarizes them with work procedures and standard requirements. These are critical in guiding the professional conduct and work ethics of a teacher.


 Is a record of sessions attended which enumerates sessions attended helping both the men-tor/ coach and mentee/ to keep track of the areas covered, review the action plan and prepare for the next session.


 A structured, sustained process of enabling an individual to gain more knowledge and skills to assist him/her in advancing professional and personal skills and/or leadership capabilities for more effective service delivery, job performance and career management.


 A person who is guided and supported by a more experienced individual in the field of interest and area of competency building in order to promote continuous personal development and realization of their full potential.


A specialist and an experienced person who seeks to pass skills, expertise and knowledge to a less experienced teacher with a view to fostering the latter‘s career and personal development. A mentor leads by example through his/her expertise or success.

 Monitoring and Evaluation

 Mechanisms put in place to ensure adherence to quality, standards, cost effectiveness and relevance of a Programme through continuous review of its implementation to meet the intended purpose as well as ensure its sustainability

Duration of the Programme

Mentorship shall be for a period, while coaching will be continuous based on need.  The mentorship period shall be for at least one (1) year subject to satisfactory performance of the mentee. However, the mentor-mentee relationship may last beyond the mentorship period

How to Identify mentors

A TIMEC programme mentor/coach should be;

(i)  A professional or expert/talented in a specific area;

(ii) For a teacher/ institutional administrator, must have a specific area of         specialization/subject gurus;

(iii)            Of good conduct and integrity;

(iv)            Willing to offer service as a volunteer;

(v) Persons of professional repute and enjoys respect of colleagues; and

VI) Innovative.

The following parameters will also be considered during selection of the mentors/coaches:

a) Gender;

b) Persons Living with Disability,

c) Religion

Qualities of a Mentor?

  • Desire to help/support others
  •  Has time to Mentor the Mentee 
  •  Should be ready to tell the mentee the truth (Reality check)
  •  Support the Mentee’s individual career development plan
  • Provides guidance and constructive feedback.
  • Respected by colleagues and employees at all levels of the institution .
  • Sets and meets ongoing personal and professional goals.
  • Values the opinions and initiatives of others.
  • Motivates others by setting a good example.

Roles  of a Mentor

  • Coaching
  • Role modeling
  • Counseling and support
  • Friendship
  •  Provide exposure and visibility for the Mentee

Who are Mentors at School Level?

  • Senior teachers
  • Peer Teachers
  • Team leaders
  • Subject heads and subject experts

Benefits to a Mentor

  • Has an opportunity to pass on successes
  • Practice interpersonal & management skills
  • Become recognized/appreciated
  • Expand their horizons and self satisfaction
  • Gains more than the Mentee does

Importance of Mentorship

  1. It is a relationship where an experienced person assists an employee to  grow in all spheres of their life
  2. The mentor also facilitates career development and psycho-social development/support by providing a vehicle for accomplishing the development task
  3. Improves productivity.
  4. Prevents occurrence of professional misconduct

Responsibilities OF the Mentee

  • Willingness to learn
  • Ability to accept feedback
  • Willingness to “stretch”
  • Ability to identify goals

What is Coaching?

  • An approach to management – where a supervisor  supports employee by building their skills,  competencies and attitudes.
  •  Get the person to manage their own learning
  •  Provide encouragement & advice
  •  Provide specific guidance when required
  •  Agree how progress should be monitored & reviewed

Roles  of a Coach

  • Provide guidance on how to carry out specific tasks – towards learning
  • Help people become aware of how well they are doing and what they need to learn
  • Use whatever situations arise as learning opportunities

Criteria for Identifying Mentors and Coaches:

  • Persons of professional repute
  • Subject specialists (gurus)
  • Talented persons in curriculum activities
  • Excellent (all round performers)
  • People of high moral standing in the community, religious organizations
  • Innovators
  • Performing institutions etc.

Roles of TSC Field Officers in Teacher Induction Mentorship and Coaching (TIMEC)

Every level of the Commission (From the Commission Secretary to the Mentees) has specific roles and responsibilities assigned to them as per the TIMEC policy and guidelines

RoleS of Regional Directors and County Directors

i)    Guide and coordinate the identification and selection of mentors and coaches in the Region and County.

ii)   Maintain a databank of mentors and coaches

  1. Appoint a technical committee to oversee and coordinate the implementation of the programmes

iv) Organize Training of Trainers programmes for the identified Mentors/ Coaches

v)  Facilitate as a MT during capacity building programmes of TOTs

  • Monitor and evaluate implementation of the programmes
  • vii)      Submit progress reports of the programme quarterly and annually to Headquarters.

Role of Sub-County Directors

(i) To work with Heads to identify and train ToTs at Sub County and Zonal levels

(ii) Coordinate and support field officers in the programme roll out

(iii)            Provide opportunities for mentors, coaches and mentees to share their        experiences.

(iv)            Provide mentors with feedback on their mentoring.

(v) Ensure institutionalization of the programme at all levels and sensitization of relevant stakeholders on the benefits of the programme.

(vi)            As Master Trainers (MTs) build capacity of mentors and coaches among the            identified professionals and champions such as beacon teachers, ICT champions,        performing heads, senior teachers, religious leaders, other professionals,    depending on identified needs.

(vii)           Be resource persons during Zonal/cluster groups/school meetings to share        professional experiences and expertise.

The Role of the Heads of Institutions

  1. Identify and select mentors and coaches at school level
  2. As a TOT, train Mentors and Coaches at institutional level.
  3. Institutionalize TIMEC by articulating benefits of Induction, Mentorship and Coaching as        an initiative to improve conduct and performance.
  4. Create flexibility by allowing for time out for the mentors/coaches and mentees as scheduled, to allow for participation, tracking progress and feedback.
  5. Support mentors and coaches to develop relevant activities based on the needs of mentees at the institutional level.
  6. Sensitize the relevant stakeholders on the strategic benefits of the programme to the institution.
  7. Supervise implementation of the programme at institutional level and address any emerging issues accordingly.
  8. Encourage and support eligible teachers to take up mentorship and coaching duties and responsibilities in the institution.
  9. Maintain a databank of mentors and coaches at the school level.
  10. Collaborate with other institutions to strengthen mentorship programme at Zonal level /cluster groups.
  11. Submit periodic reports to the Sub County Director for Primary and County Director for the post primary institutions.
  12. Any other relevant responsibilities assigned from time-to-time.


  • This is a pre-emptive approach to handling teacher discipline; an approach that seeks to retain more teachers while also preventing the likelihood of teachers (especially the young ones) from sinking into indiscipline
  • Various appendices provide monitoring and reporting tools to make the programme a success


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