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Types of Assessment at Junior Secondary School and Pre-vocational Level

At JSS and Pre-vocational level, both formative and summative assessment will be conducted. The formative assessment will be offered in form of School Based Assessments (SBA) while the summative assessment will take the form of national assessment..

 1. Assessment at Junior Secondary School

  • JSS level assessment SHALL be used for giving feedback on learning progress and identification of learner’s potential so as to guide in selection of pathways in SSS. 
  • The assessment outcomes from both formative and summative assessment SHALL contribute to the final reporting at the end of Grade 9 at a ratio to be determined by KNEC.
  • KNEC SHALL provide guidelines for standardised SBA to be administered by the subject teacher at Grades 7, 8 and 9.
  • Teachers SHALL score the learner’s work in all subjects using the scoring guides provided by KNEC and provide immediate feedback to the learners at the school level.
  • A School Year Report (SYR) which is a comprehensive account of the learner’s performance SHALL be issued at the end of each year.
  • The scores for each learner SHALL be uploaded to the KNEC Assessment portal at the end of each year.
  • KNEC SHALL analyse the SBA for each grade and provide a National report showing the national performance of different strands in each subject. This report SHALL highlight areas that need intervention and give specific recommendations to the education stakeholders.
  • At the end of Grade 9, KNEC SHALL administer a national summative assessment. The scores for SBA and the summative assessment for each learner SHALL be combined to generate a final score.
  • The results SHALL be used to guide placement of learners in the different pathways in SSS.

2.   Assessment at the Pre-Vocational Level

  • At Pre- Vocational level, assessment SHALL be used for giving feedback on learning progress and identification of learner’s potential to guide in selection of a course at the Vocational level.
  • Learners at this level SHALL not be required to attempt all the subjects but only those which they have the ability and the potential to pursue.
  • The assessment outcomes from both formative and summative assessment SHALL contribute to the final reporting at the end Pre-Vocational level at a ratio to be determined by KNEC.
  • KNEC SHALL provide guidelines for standardised SBA to be administered by the teacher at Pre-Vocational level. The teachers SHALL score the learner’s work in all the subjects attempted using the scoring guides provided by KNEC and provide immediate feedback to the learners at the school level.
  • A SYR SHALL be issued at the end of each year and the scores for each learner SHALL be uploaded to the KNEC assessment portal at the end of each year.
  • KNEC SHALL analyse the SBA for the Pre-Vocational learners and provide a national report showing the national performance of different strands in each learning area. This report SHALL highlight areas that need intervention and give specific recommendations to the education stakeholders.
  • At the end of Pre-Vocational level, KNEC SHALL administer a National summative assessment. The scores for SBA and the summative assessment for each learner SHALL be combined to generate a final score.
  • The results SHALL be used to guide placement of learners in the different courses in Vocational level.

JSS Professional Documents

Learner Support Programmes in Junior Secondary-JSS

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