Specific Learning Outcomes
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:-
- use imperatives for receiving and giving instructions/ commands against wastage,
- respond to specific instructions for effective oral communication,
- recognise imperatives in day today communication,
- appreciate the use of imperatives.
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners listen to a short dialogue containing imperatives.
- Learners respond to simple imperatives.
- Learners practice the use of familiar imperatives in role play (parent-child).
- Learners identify imperatives around the school compound.
- Learners suggest imperatives for their class.
- Learners repeat sentence structures containing imperatives from a story, poem or conversation they have listened to.
Key Inquiry Question(s)
- What does this picture of a police officer mean?
- What does the teacher say when the class is making noise?
Core Competences to be developed: Communication and collaboration trhough pair work ,Creativity and Imagination as they suggest imperatives for their class.
Link to PCIs: Citizenship – Appreciation of imperatives (Do’s and Don’ts)
Links to other subjects: Relevant to all subjects because it is part of the language that is used during instruction.
Life skills – Respect for values, rules and regulations, effective communication
Suggested non-formal activity to support learning: Identify imperatives around the school compound, Mention rules to be followed during play and practice them
Suggested Learning Resources: Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs and models of common imperatives, audio-visual recordings of dialogues with sentence structures on imperatives.
Link to Values: Responsibility over what is at their disposal, stewardship
Suggested Community Service Learning activities: Sharing with friends about using what is at our disposal carefully.
Suggested assessment: Oral questions, portfolio, observation
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Exceeding Expectations
Learner uses and responds to the language of commands and instructions with ease in day to day interaction as required.
Meeting Expectations
Learner uses and responds to the language of commands and instructions in day to day interaction as required.
Approaching Expectations
Learner sometimes uses and responds to the language of commands and instructions in day to day interaction as required.
Below Expectations Learner struggles to use and respond to the language of commands and instructions in day to day interaction as required.