Specific Learning Outcomes
By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:-
- use capital letters correctly,
- use appropriate spacing between words,
- use legible and neat handwriting to communicate effectively,
- appreciate the importance of linking words in paragraph development.
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners observe displayed model handwriting.
- Learners are guided to write for sustained period individually and in pairs.
- Learners practice effective punctuation (capitalization, commas, and full stop).
- Learners are provided with reading material as triggers to writing.
• Learners are guided through think- pair- share to discuss linking words.
Key Inquiry Questions
1) What do we consider when writing a paragraph?
Core-Competence to be developed:
Learning to learn: learners practice handwriting to improve in it
Link to PCIs: Life skills: Skills of knowing and living with others – effective communication.
Life skills: Skills of knowing and living with oneself – self-efficacy
Links to other learning areas: All learning areas
Suggested non-formal activity to support learning through application: learners share individual written work with peers
Suggested resources: papers, pencils, sentence strips, sentence charts, story books
Link to values: responsibility
Suggested Community Service Learning: learners partner with other children in the community to write and draw educative posters for sharing with others
Suggested Community Service Learning: learners partner with other children in the community to write and draw educative posters for sharing with others
Suggested Assessment: learners to link sentences using linking words
Suggested Formative Assessment and Rubric
Exceeding expectations
- Consistently presents wellorganized text
- writes neatly
- uses capitalization and spacing correctly
Meeting expectations
- presents well-organized text
- writes neatly
- makes minor inaccuracies in use of capitalization and spacing
Approaching expectations
- presents well-organized text
- writes somewhat neatly
- has some inaccuracies in use of capitalization and spacing
Below expectations
- presents disjointed text
- does not shape letters well
- makes numerous mistakes in use of capitalization and spacing