Specific learning outcomes / Objectives for Sub-strands 10.2 Imitating sounds
By the end of the sub-strand the leaner should be able to:
- Identify sources of sound in the environment for familiarization
- Imitate sounds made in the environment for enjoyment.
- Appreciate sounds produced in the environment
Suggested learning experience
Guide learners;
- listen to different sounds in the environment
- to identify the sources of sound in the environment.
- to imitate sounds produced in the environment in groups and pairs.
- sing songs related to sources of sound in the environment
- to identify the direction from which the sounds are coming.
Key inquiry questions
- What do you hear?
- What makes that sound?
- Which direction did the sound come from?
Core Competence
Communication and collaboration
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
• Education For Sustainable Development: Animal awareness • Environmental awareness
Link to other learning areas:
• Environmental, Language, CRE/IRE/HRE
Non-Formal Activity to support learning through application:
• Music festival
Link to Core Values
• Humility
Suggested Community service learning
• Nature walk in the neighbourhood – caring for animals
Suggested Assessment
• Observation of children’s individual activity, question and answer through discussion
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeding Above Expectation
Can successfully;
- Listen to sounds
- Identify sources of sound
- Imitate sounds correctly
- Make sound they have listened
- Appreciate sound produced
Meeting Expectation
- Listen to sound
- Identify sources of sounds
- Imitate sounds
- Express his feelings towards sound produced
Approaches Expectations
- Listen fairly well
- Fairly identify sources of sound
- Tries to imitate sounds
- Enjoy sounds produced
Below Expectation
- Cannot listen sounds without assistance
- Attempts to identify
- Attempts to imitate sounds
- Fair enjoyment of the sounds produced