Specific Learning Outcomes for Sub-strand 14.1 Pool safety and hygiene
By the end of the sub-strand the leaner should be able to:
- identify basic water safety rules in the pool for mastery
- apply basic water safety rule in the pool for personal safety
- have fun as they role play basic water safety rules in the pool
- display ability to use safety materials in water for security
Suggested Learning Experience
- Guide learners on the basic water safety rules to observe in the pool.
- Learner could watch a film on swimming safety gears.
- Guide learners to use improvised pools as they observe safety rules.
- Take turns as they practicing safety rules in the pool.
- Appreciate own and others efforts.
Key Inquiry Questions
- Which safety rules should you observe in the pool?
- What should you do before getting into a swimming pool?
- Which materials do you use in the pool for safety?
Core Competence
Communication and collaboration
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Education For Sustainable Development: Disaster Risk Reduction; Safety
Link to other learning areas:
- Environmental
- Language Activities
Non-Formal Activity to support learning through application:
• Swimming competition
Link to Core Values
• Responsibility
Suggested Community service learning
• Share with peers basic safety rules
Suggested Assessment
Observation, question and answer, observation checklist
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
- Successfully identifies basic water safety rules
- Apply basic water safety rules
- Display ability to use safety materials confidently
- Enjoy using basic water rules and safety materials
Meeting Expectation
- Identify basic water safety rules
- Apply basic water safety rules
- Display ability to use safety materials confidently
- Enjoy using basic water rules and safety materials
Approaches Expectations
- With assistance can identify basic water safety
- Attempts to apply basic water safety rules
- Use safety materials
- Enjoys basic water rules with assistance
Below Expectation
- Has difficulty identifying rules
- No application of basic rules
- May display ability to use safety rules
- Fairly enjoys basic safety rules and materials