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Specific Objectives/ Learning Outcomes

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:
a) Respond appropriately to general greetings at home and at school.
b) Respond appropriately to time related greetings at home and at school.
c) Respond appropriately to farewell at home and at school.
d) Respond appropriately to farewell with reference to time at home and at school.
e) Enjoy responding appropriately to greetings and farewell at home and at school.

Suggested learning experiences

Learners could observe and imitate greetings and farewell.
• In pairs learners could be asked to practice greeting and bidding farewell.
• Learners could listen to songs, poems and rhymes on general and time related greetings and farewell.
• Learners could be encouraged to respond to greetings every morning and respond to farewell whenever need arises.
• Learners could be encouraged to respond to each other’s greetings and farewell and respond to visitors’ ‘greetings and farewell whenever an opportunity arises’.
• Learners could observe pictures and charts of people greeting that are displayed on walls.
• Learners could listen to and watch clips of people greeting and bidding farewell recorded in devices and practise responding to greetings and bidding farewell.
• Learners could be encouraged to pay attention to other greeting and farewell opportunities that arise at home and at school.

Key inquiry questions for Greetings and Farewell

  1. Who do you meet every day?
  2. What time is it likely to happen?
  3. How do you greet them at that time?

Core-competence developed: Communication and collaboration, digital literacy , learning to learn
Link to PCI: Citizenship: social cohesion
Life skills: Interpersonal relationships, effective communication
Link to Values: Respect, unity, love

Citizenship: Peace
Link to other Activity Areas: Environmental and Social Activities, Psychomotor and Creative Activities.

Suggested Community Service Learning
Arrange for the learners to listen and respond to parents greetings during the school open day. The learners will also greet and respond to parents greetings and bid parents farewell after the function
Non- Formal Activity to support learning through application
In groups learners role play greeting and bidding farewell.
Learners should be encouraged to pay attention to each other and respond appropriately.
Suggested Assessment
Oral questions, observations, portfolio
Teaching/Learning Resources: Pictures, realia, charts, ICT devices

Assessment Rubrics For PP1 – Common Greetings

Exceeds expectation Below Expectation

The learner always listens efficiently and consistently responds to greetings and farewell using a variety of relevant responses e.g. Hello Teacher, Good Morning teacher, Good bye Teacher.

Meets Expectation

The learner consistently listens carefully and is able to respond to greetings and farewell appropriately both verbally and non-verbally. E.g. Hello, Good Morning, Good bye.

Approaching Expectation

Appears to listen carefully but is not able to respond appropriately to greetings and farewell.

Below Expectations

The learner consistently has difficulty listening and responding to greetings and bidding farewell both
verbally and non-verbally.

This is paragraph 2 for posts without the target word.

By Depa

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