Specific Learning Outcomes
- Mention his /her name for selfawareness
- Sing songs as special creature created in the image and likeness of God.
- Appreciate himself/herself as wonderfully made by God
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners are guided to mention their names
- Learners are guided in small groups to mention each other’s’ names. (Isaiah 43:1)
- Learners are guided to listen to stories on God’s creation
- Learners are guided to sing songs signifying him/herself as a child of God, created in His image and likeness. (Genesis 1:27)
Key Inquiry Questions
- What is your name?
- Who created you?
- Who created your friend?
- Do you know any song of God’s Creation?
Core Competences to be developed:
Communication and Collaboration: Learners will interact with each other in groups to improve on their vocabulary, co-operation and develop values of love, concern, care and sharing.
Citizenship- Learners will appreciate their name as given by their parent, hence develop a sense of belonging.
Learning to learn: Learners will participate in activities that will help them understand themselves as wonderfully made by God.
Link to PCIs:
Life Skills Education; Self-awareness-Myself (Am God’s Creation), self
Esteem (I am a unique and special creature), assertiveness.
Link to other subjects: Language and psychomotor activities.
Suggested non formal activity to support learning: Organize for anoutdoor activity for learners to sing songs related to self.
Suggested learning resource
Good News Bible, portfolios, Drawn pictures on the charts, picture books, hand books, audio visual, Flash cards
Link to Values: Love, peace, respect, joy, kindness, unity and integrity to promote proper moral upbringing
Suggested Community Service Learning activities: Encourage learners to appreciate and respect their parents, siblings, neighbours and community members.
Learners can visit and play games with other children in a home to appreciate themselves as Gods creation
Suggested Community Service Learning activities: Encourage learners to appreciate and respect their parents, siblings, neighbours and community members.
Learners can visit and play games with other children in a home to appreciate themselves as Gods creation
Suggested assessment: Oral questions, check list and observation
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds expectation
- Learner is able to mention his/her name
- Learner is able to sing songs that praise God as their creator
- Leaner is able to recite poems that identify him/herself as child of God
- Learner appreciates him/herself as male or female
- Learner appreciates him/herself as child of God
Meets Expectation
- learners is able to mention his/her name
- Learner is able to sing songs that praise God as his/her creator
- Leaner is able to recite poems that identify him/herself as a child of God
Approaches expectation
- learners is able to mention his/her names
- Learner is able to sing songs that praises God as his/her creator
Below expectation
• learners is able to mention his/her name