Specific learning outcomes
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
a) recite correctly Surah Fatiha for use in Swalah
b) handle the Qurán with respect as a Holy Book
c) appreciate reciting Surah Fatiha during Swalah.
Suggested learning experiences
- Learners are engaged in listening to and reciting Surah Fatiha using varied digital educational materials like audio recordings or resource persons.
- Learners recite Surah Fatiha in pairs and small groups.
- Learners memorize Surah Fatiha
through repetitive recitation
- Learners are guided on how to handle the Qur’an e.g. not placing other books/items on it.
Key inquiry question(s)
- When do we recite Surah Fatiha?
- Which Surah do we recite when praying?
- Who can recite Surah Fatiha
- How do we take care of the Qur’an?
Core competence to be developed: Learning to learn, Digital literacy
Link to PCIs and Values:
Life skills: Skills of knowing and living with others, Effective
communication: Reciting Surah Fatiha
Parental empowerment and engagement: Guidance
Link to other Activity Areas: Language Activities
Suggested non formal activity to Support learning : Participate in Qur’an recitation reading competition
Suggested Learning Resources: flashcards, Juz’uu Amma,Yasarnal Qurán, charts, digital educational resources e.g. Qaidah Al-Nourania website
Link to Values: Respect ,Love, Unity, Responsibility
Suggested Community Service Learning
Recite Surah Fatiha to parents/guardians and siblings at home
Suggested Assessment
Checklist, observation, portfolio
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds expectation
Fluently and confidently recites Surah Fatiha
Handles the Qur’an respectfully and carefully
Meets expectation
Recites Surah Fatiha fluently
Respectfully handles the Qur’an
Approaches expectation
Recites Surah Fatiha with some difficulty
Sometimes handles the Qur’an carefully
Below expectation
Attempts to recite Surah Fatiha
Handles the Qur’an with less care