Specific learning outcomes
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
- identify Eid as an Islamic festival
- appreciate the importance of Eid activities by participating in the celebrations
- show happiness and joy during Eid by exchanging gifts
Suggested learning experiences
- Learners sing simple songs/Anashid on Eid sourced from audio recording, resource person, video recording on digital devices i.e. laptop, computer etc
- Learners watch Eid celebrations on audio-visual aids e.g. smart phone, smart board etc and/or discuss Eid activities in pairs or small groups.
- Learners colour pictures on Eid greeting cards and exchange different gifts.
- Learner’s news tells on Eid Activities.
Key inquiry questions
- What is Eid?
- How do we celebrate Eid?
- How did you celebrate Eid?
Core Competence to be developed: Communication and Collaboration, Learning to learn
Link to PCIs: Life skills, Skills of knowing and living with others: Effective
communication: responding to simple instructions, Citizenship, Understanding integrity, sharing,
Parental empowerment and engagement: Guidance
Link to other activity areas: Environmental Activities
Suggested non-formal activity to support learning: Children to be encouraged to share food and gifts with their friends at school.
Suggested Learning Resources: Pictures, audio-visual aids, charts, manila papers, crayons, flowers, boxes
Link to Values; Love, Responsibility, Peace, Unity
Suggested Community Service Learning: sharing gifts during Eid with family members.
Suggested Assessment: Observation, oral questions
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds expectation
Clearly and systematically expresses Eid experiences
Willing and ready to share
Meets expectation
Clearly expresses Eid experiences
Willing to share
Approaches expectation
Expresses Eid experiences
Hesitant to share
Below expectation
Rarely expresses Eid experiences
Not willing to share