Specific learning outcomes
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
- identify the Islamic place of worship in their environment
- appreciate the importance of a Masjid as a place of worship
- use Masjid as a place of worship
Suggested learning experiences
- Learners view pictures of Masjid through digital educational materials like computer, smart phone, smart board etc or other resources like charts, flash cards etc
- Discuss in pairs or in small groups about a Masjid
- Learners are engaged in hands-on
activities e.g.. picture puzzles of a Masjid using slices of timber, cartons etc
- Learners use creative art activities to make a Masjid e.g. modelling using plasticine or clay, constructing a Masjid using boxes or legos etc
- Sing simple songs /Anashid/qasida and recite poems on a Masjid
- Learners to complete masjid puzzles Sometimes uses Sometimes uses
Key inquiry questions
- What is a Masjid?
- Why do we go to the Masjid?
- What do you find in a Masjid?
Core competence to be developed: Creativity and imagination
Link to PCIs: Life skills, Skills of knowing and living with others, interpersonal relationship,
Parental empowerment and engagement: Guidance
Link to other Activity Areas: Psychomotor and creative activities
Suggested non-formal activity to support learning: Compete in arranging Masjid puzzles
Suggested Learning Resources: flash cards, pictures, paint, crayons, digital materials, charts, play dough/clay, boxes, materials for mosaic,
Link to Values: Respect, Responsibility
Suggested community service learning Activities: Arrange Qur’an/ books in the Masjid
Suggested assessment: Oral questions, observations
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds expectation
Identifies and names the Masjid in their environment
Clearly and logically expresses their experiences in the Masjid
Regularly goes to the Masjid for prayers
Meets expectation
Identifies the Masjid in their environment
Clearly expresses their experiences in the Masjid
Often goes to the Masjid for prayers
Approaches expectation
Sometimes identifies the Masjid in their environment
Expresses their experiences in the Masjid
Rarely goes to the Masjid for prayers
Below expectation
Rarely identifies Masjid in their environment
Attempts to express their experiences in the Masjid
Hardly goes to the Masjid for prayers