4.1.1 Greetings
Specific Learning
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: a) acquire appropriate spoken phrases related to
Islamic greeting
- appreciate the importance of using Islamic greeting in daily life
- apply Islamic greeting appropriately while
interacting with others
Suggested Learning Experiences
- Learners are shown pictures/videos on
Islamic greeting in different situations e.g.. when you meet a Muslim or before entering the house and are encouraged to talk about it.
- Learners practice Islamic greeting e.g.. skit/role-play.
- Learners listen to and sing songs related to Islamic greeting.
- In pairs or small groups learners mention the different situations of using the Islamic greeting
Key Inquiry Questions
- When do you greet one another?
- Whom do you greet?
- How do we greet?
Core competence to be developed: Communication and collaboration
Link to PCIs:Life skills, Skills of knowing and living with others: Effective communication, interpersonal relationship, exchange greetings, parental empowerment and engagement: Guidance
Link to other Activity Areas: Environmental and language activities
Suggested non formal activity to support learning: Learners practice Islamic greeting in the morning before entering their class.
Suggested Learning Resources: Pictures, digital materials, charts, costumes
Link to Values: Respect, Love, Peace, Responsibility
Suggested Community Service Learning Activities: Greeting family members
Suggested Assessment: Observation, oral questions
Suggested Learning Resources: Pictures, digital materials, charts, costumes
Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Exceeds expectation
Confidently and fluently says the complete Islamic greeting
Always uses appropriately the complete Islamic greeting while interacting with other people
Meets expectation
Approaches expectation
Sometimes says the Islamic greeting correctly
Sometimes uses the Islamic greeting while interacting with others
Below expectation
Rarely says the Islamic greeting correctly Rarely uses the Islamic greeting while interacting with others