PERFORMING TYPES OF SONGS NB: An art song is a traditional song that has been rearranged for solo or choral performance. They are usually accompanied by musical instruments. WESTERN ART SONGS Example of western art song Lyrics: The Path to the Moon Eric H. Thiman l Choir I long to sail on a path to … Read more
4. THE CHURCH The Apostles’ Creed A creed – is a set of belief which guide someone actions The apostle creed outlines the truth of Christian faith It contains teaching that guides us on the way we should live as Christians I believe in God, the father Almighty Creator of Heaven and EATH And Jesus … Read more
The call of the disciples Learners read in turns Mark 1:16- 20 and narrate the call of the first disciples by Jesus Christ A disciple is a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ Jesus called two brothers who were fishermen to follow him The first two disciples of Jesus Christ were Simon and his brother Andrew … Read more
– Decide which goods to buy according to their importance or priority and resources available. Extraction – means obtaining goods from their natural setting e.g mining, farming, lumbering etc Processing of raw materials – it is changing the form of goods without combining it with other goods Manufacturing – combining different raw materials to come … Read more
Introduction The Induction Mentorship and Coaching Programme has been established to complement other professional development initiatives such as the internship programme, school support programmes and those related to skills development in the teaching service. Mentorship and Coaching takes place when an experienced teacher or expert assists a teacher to grow in all spheres of their … Read more
LANGUAGES SUBJECTS AND TIME ALLOCATION Subject No. of lessons (per week) Each lesson has 40 mins 1. Kiswahili 4 lessons 2. English 5 lessons 3 Indigenous Languages 3 lessons ENGLISH The Constitution accords English the status of one of the official languages. Language in Education Policy (1976) –English is the language of instruction across … Read more
INTRODUCTION It is increasingly being acknowledged globally that involving learners in community service has a lasting and positive impact on themselves and society at large. Community Service Learning (CSL) extends learning beyond the classroom into the community. Learning happens through experiential learning strategies that integrate classroom learning and community service to enable learners to reflect, … Read more
Introduction Professional documents are official documents developed to make learning efficient and effective as the teacher implements the Curriculum. Development guided by the curriculum designs thereby enhancing the teacher’s understanding of the designs. Lay the foundation for sound administration, planning, evaluation and monitoring of curriculum delivery. Teachers should prepare and use the professional documents in … Read more
What is a Portfolio? A portfolio is a systematic, integrated and meaningful collection of a learner’s day-to-day classroom work or artifacts that provide a visual of their own learning, progress, and achievement. It provides evidence of achievement or mastery over a period of time Importance of a Learner’s Portfolio It enables learners to show quality of … Read more
ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK What is Assessment Feedback? Feedback is the helpful information or criticism given about a learner’s performance in relation to learning goals, outcomes or tasks. The information is used to adjust and improve the current and future actions. Feedback is effective when it aims at improving in learning.Approaches of feedback (a) Informal Feedback Informal … Read more
What is a competency? Is the ability to apply appropriate knowledge, skills, values and attitude to successfully perform a real-life task. What is Competency Based Curriculum (CBC)? An education programme focused on the learner’s ability to apply the knowledge, skills, values and attitude to successfully perform a real-life task. Basic Education Curriculum Framework BECF Grades … Read more
VISION ● The vision of the basic education curriculum reforms is to enable every Kenyan to be engaged, empowered and ethical citizen.● This will be achieved by providing every Kenyan learner with world class standards in the skills and knowledge that they deserve, and which they need in order to thrive in the 21st century.● … Read more
INTRODUCTION: THE KENYA PROFESSIONAL TEACHING STANDARDS(KePTs)-TPD In its endeavour to maintain the teaching standards of all registered teachers inKenya, the Teachers Service Commission has produced specific ProfessionalTeaching Standards ( KePTS ) and Competency Indicators to measure teachers’ performance..The standards define the work of Kenyan teachers in the context of the 21 st century learning, by … Read more
CBC is learners based while 8:4:4 is teachers based CBC parents have to dig deeper into their pockets to provide all the learning materials for the siblings to get knowledge thus expensive while 8:4:4 is teachers based since it’s the role to passed knowledge and make sure learners understands. CBC is skills oriented, while 8:4:4 is … Read more