Health Education Grade 7 Model Test Papers- Questions GRADE 7 TOPICAL REVISION QUESTIONS. HEALTH EDUCATION. STRAND 1: HEALTH AND NUTRITION HEALTH AND NUTRITION 5, Identify three community activities that help to promote health education. Food Function Protein Carbohydrates Vitamins Calcium Fibre STRAND 2: HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS TOPICAL REVISION QUESTION 1. Explain the … Read more
Grade 7 (JSS) Computer Studies Topical Questions and Answers ASSESSMENT PAPER 1 1. Define the following terms 6. Why do computers have different features? Write a short essay. Use a word processor to type your essay ASSESSMENT PAPER 2 ASSESSMENT 3 (a) Slide rule (b) Laptop. (c) La pascaline ASSESSMENT 4 (b) Give … Read more
GRADE 7 TOPICAL REVISION QUESTIONS. COMPUTER SCIENCE. STRAND 1: FOUNDATION OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ASSESSMENT TASK 1 1. Define the following terms ASSESSMENT TASK 2 1. Name the first mechanical computer developed in Asia 2. Who developed the Analytical Engine and Difference Engine? 5. Explain how the following computer were used. ASSESSMENT TASK 3 ASSESSMENT TASK … Read more
Business Questions For Strand 1 and Stand 2 STRAND 1: BUSINESS AND MONEY MANAGEMENT SKILLS ASSESSMENT 1.1 1. State the meaning of Business Studies. 2.List FOUR components of Business Studies. ASSESSMENT 1.2 ASSESSMENT 1.3 ASSESSMENT 1.4 (c) Explain how the career can benefit the society. 4. Match the ethical issue in column A with the … Read more
MATOKEO MAALUM YANAYOTARAJIWA Kufikia mwisho wa mada, mwanafunzi aweze:- kutaja vitu vinavyopatikana sokoni katika kuendeleza mazungumzo, kutaja watu wanaopatikana sokoni katika kuendeleza mazungumzo, kusikiliza maelezo kuhusu sokoni ili kujenga usikivu, kueleza shughuli zinazoendeshwa sokoni ili kuimarisha stadi ya kuzungumza, kueleza umuhimu wa soko ili kujenga stadi ya kuzungumza, kuthamini shughuli za sokoni kama njia moja … Read more
MATOKEO MAALUM YANAYOTARAJIWA Kufikia mwisho wa mada, mwanafunzi aweze:- kutambua msamiati wa dukani ili kuutumia katika mawasiliano, kusoma maneno yanayohusiana na shughuli za dukani ili kujenga usomaji bora, kueleza maana ya msamiati wa dukani ili kuimarisha stadi ya kuzungumza, kutumia msamiati wa dukani katika sentensi sahihi ili kuimarisha stadi ya kuzungumza, kuandika maneno yanayohusiana na … Read more
ESSENCE STATEMENT Religious activities at the pre-primary level comprise learning about the supernatural being (Allah S.W.T.). The aim of Islamic religious education activities at the pre-primary level is to develop awareness and appreciation of the generosity, love and care of Allah (S.W.T.) to all His creation. This will enable children acquire the values of sharing, … Read more
Jesma Series 006 2023 Exams and Marking Schemes Class 8 Learn Online Through JESMA 005 2023 KCPE With Marking Schemes Class 8
CBC Curriculum Design: sub-strand 6.1 Creating Shapes and Forms Specific Learning Outcomes By the end of the sub-strand the leaner should be able to: Interact with the gadgets freely for familiarization Display the ability to operate the gadgets for creating shapes Create shapes using electronic gadgets for creativity Appreciate own created shapes for fun Suggested … Read more
PP1 Mathematics Curriculum Design: sub strand 3.2 Mass (Heavy and Light) Specific Learning Outcomes By the end of the substrand, the learner should be able to: a) lift different objects in their environment. b) compare heavy and light objects in the environment. c) appreciate objects of different mass in their environment Suggested Learning Experiences • … Read more
Specific learning outcomes By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: Express own needs at home and at school. Express emotions and feelings appropriately at home and at school. Use appropriate vocabulary to express feelings and emotions in school and at home. Use appropriate vocabulary to express own needs in school … Read more
Pre-Primary 2 Exam 2 (PP2) 2023-End Term 2 End Term 2 PP2 Exams 2023-Free Downloads PP2 Term 2 2023 CBC Schemes of Work – Free Download Free Updated CBC Schemes of Work For PP2-Term 2
Specific Objectives/ Learning Outcomes By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:a) Respond appropriately to general greetings at home and at school.b) Respond appropriately to time related greetings at home and at school.c) Respond appropriately to farewell at home and at school.d) Respond appropriately to farewell with reference to time at … Read more
Foster nationalism, patriotism, and promote national unityKenya’s people belong to different communities, races and religions and should be able to live and interact as one people. Education should enable thelearner acquire a sense of nationhood and patriotism. It should also promote peace and harmonious co-existence. Promote social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national developmentEducation … Read more